Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

I was running late today. I had a chem test, and I stayed up all night studying and overslept, and now I was running late. My notes where are my notes? I thought to myself. I had fallen asleep yesterday reading them. I found them underneath my pillow and shoved them in my binder. I would organize them on the bus. Fuck. My bus would be here in 15 minutes. I grabbed my crutches and headed to the kitchen, looking for my keys and a quick breakfast.

No time for oatmeal, I thought to myself. I grabbed a pop tart and took off the foil wrapping. I put one in my mouth, held it with my lips, and decided to leave the other for later. I noticed that my dad had come home last night and was already out again.

He had left half the meal I made him and filled himself up with a bottle of wine he forgot to throw away. I dumped the rest of the food in the sink and flipped the switch for the trash compactor. 

 I found the lanyard holding my keys underneath the mail he brought in and slipped them into the pocket of my skirt, put my backpack on, and made the tiring trek to the elevator. 

Once inside, I leaned against the elevator wall. Coach did not have to worry about me not being in shape when my leg was fully healed. Using crutches while wearing a Trinity backpack was no joke.

The day was chilly; I noticed as I walked out of my building. I wish I'd grab my scarf. Oh well, too late now. I turned the corner to get to my stop; it wasn't far thankfully, I just hoped the bus wasn't there already. I still had 7 minutes, but sometimes it was early. I peered out into the street, nowhere in sight. Thank goodness, I thought to myself.

"Morning, Lia," A voice said, and I jumped, bringing a hand up to my chest and dropping my pop tart to the floor. 

I looked at it sadly for a second, the fallen victim crumbled apart on the sidewalk, and then whipped my head up at the offender. Robbie leaned against the wall of the building, an amused look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I said, holding in the urge to whack him with my crutch.

"You startle really easily. I'm sorry, Lia," he said, his full lips widening to a smile.

"Why are you here?" I repeated, "Where is your car?" I asked, looking around.

"At my house." He said, slipping my bag off my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"You said it was bad to drive all the way over here."

"How did you get here?"

"Chris needed to be in school early; I got a ride with him to school and then took the bus and the subway."

"You what? Why?" I said, looking at him, confused. He shrugged, "You said you didn't like me driving over here."

"So, you took it literally?"

"Well, how was I supposed to take it?"

"I don't know?"

"You're upset?"

"No. I'm just processing."

"Was that thing your breakfast?" He asked, looking at the pop tart.

"Yes. Wait. 'That thing?' Do you not know what a pop tart is?"

He shrugged, and the bus made its slow stop in front of us. "After you," he said. We sat towards the back; his leg pressed against mine. He was too close. This was the opposite of what I had hoped when I told him I was fine to take the bus. I took a deep breath and breathed in his cologne. He smelled so good, I thought to myself before turning to look at it him.Robbie looked out of place with his trinity uniform and a jacket that probably was more than a month of rent.

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