Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Lana, Robbie, Maria, and I worked on calling venues and vendors to convince them to move our event to a further date. Most of them we happy to accommodate us. Some were not. It was too last minute, and they were too high in demand. Maria was freaking out; this was her senior year, and this event had the potential to create a legacy. She also had way too much to drink.

"I told her to slow down; she so busy try to make all these changes."

An hour into me being there, she was passed out.

"I think it's best; she stressed out too much when they tell us no; I feel like she's going to have a heart attack at 18," Lana said when I asked if we should wake her up.

Robbie was quiet most of the time. He called a few vendors, and I was impressed with how he handled them on the phone. I guess it was all the practice that came with being groomed to take over a billion-dollar empire. 

I wanted to talk to him. I could sense what I had said earlier had bothered him, but I didn't want to make anything evident in front of Lana. At around one, Lana started getting sleepy; by one-thirty, she was out cold. I looked up at Robbie and whispered, "can we talk?" As he set up an excel sheet for his sister.

"Nothing to talk about," He said, continuing to work on his document.

"Robbie, I can tell what I said earlier upset you."

He clenched his jaw and then ran a hand through his hair. "At first, yes. I know you hung out with Liam." He looked at me to confirm, despite saying he was sure; I gave a slight nod.

He shrugged, "I don't like it, but I can't stop you."

I nodded, "We aren't friends anymore."

"Really? I know he's an idiot I didn't think he was that much of an idiot."

"Yeah. We kind of got into a fight."

He frowned, "Why?"

"He was upset that I was friends with you."

"He knows we hang out, suddenly he decided to be a dick? Classic."

"No. Liam was more upset that I told him I had feelings for you. I was trying to see if everything was a misunderstanding. I just don't believe you are who he says you are."

Robbie nodded slowly.

I started feeling warm; I could feel my cheeks were already red. I waited for Robbie to say something and felt frustrated when he went back to working on the excel sheet.

I sighed. Fine. "I'm going to get water," I said, standing up. 

The house was dark except for the light coming from Maria's room. Still, after months of being here, I already knew how to find my way without having to flip any switches on. I grabbed a glass of water and pressed the cool glass to my neck until it didn't feel cold anymore. I sighed and chugged the water, placing it in the dishwasher when I finished. 

I hope Robbie wasn't upset. It was hard to read him sometimes. I walked upstairs, trying to think of something to say to make the situation better.

As I was walking by Robbie's door, a hand reached out and pulled me inside his room, closing the door after me. He had me pinned against the door in seconds. His lips were on mine before I could protest what was happening. Not that I would, I thought to myself. They were demanding and fervent, and. One hand was on my back, pressing me to him, and the other in my hair.

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