Chapter 15

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Ch. 15

Five minutes passed. I know this because I was checking my watch every few seconds.

"I want you so bad," he whispered.

"Hmm," I responded.

Chris stopped for a second. I noticed his breathing was a lot harder than mine.

"Do you want to go to the grass? Would that be more comfortable?"

"Not really, it's cold."

"You can lie on top of me." I could feel his hot breath in my ear.

I was starting to get bored with this and wanted to go back upstairs. 

"Uuh, what's  wrong with the way we're doing it now?" I asked, I already showered, I was not lying down in any grass.

"Yeah, but I want to get to know you better," He countered.

I swear it took everything in me not to roll my eyes. He took my silence for shyness.

"Hey, Lia, you have done this before, right?"

"Done what? Make out? Sure," I said quickly. This was a lie. I hadn't ever made out before. At least not with tongue. He kissed me again. The hand on the hem of my hoodie was getting braver and slipped inside, making its journey up my waist.

"No," He answered. *kiss* "hooking up" *kiss. *

"Isn't what we are doing now—hooking up?" I asked in response.

"I guess. I mean more intimately and with a lot less clothing."

"Ohhh. No. I've never done that before."

He stopped abruptly and tilted his head in confusion. 

"Seriously?" The look on his face changed. He looked as if he was slapped awake from a daze. I didn't think it would surprise him this much.

"Yeah, seriously."

"But you're hot,"

"Thanks, Chris. Still no, though"

"Wow, I mean, do you want to now?" We waggled his eyebrows.

"Not particularly," I said calmly.

"O-Oh. Ok. Not the answer I was expecting."

I shrugged. "I mean, maybe we should just take a walk or something, we can get to know each other differently," I proposed. 

He straightened up and ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't know; the mood is kind of ruined, isn't it?"

I shot him a pointed look. 

"Why? Was sex the only reason you brought me here? Because other than taking that off the table, nothing really has changed."

"Well-yeah..why else would I bring you all the way downstairs." He sounded a bit annoyed.

I shrugged, "I don't kiss.. to talk."

"I mean, I guess... it gets a bit boring after a while, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, but I don't know, I feel like it's too soon," I said, starting to get annoyed.

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