Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

The party was packed. We got in no problem despite my ID saying I was thirty-five. Instantly Lana found someone to dance with.

"Okay then, that was fast," Maria said, shrugging.

We danced with each other. I realized how much I missed dancing. At home, we would dance at parties every weekend. Really let loose.

"I'm going to go buy a water," I said over the loud music.

I weaved through the crowd of people trying to find the bar.

I felt a hand on my arm. "Want to dance?"

I looked up. He looked young like he probably used a fake as well.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I saw you dancing with your friends; I wanted to ask but, I didn't want to bother you," He said sounding somewhat shy. It didn't really match his appearance. 

He was hot in a let's ride off in my motorcycle type of way. He had a tattoo on his forearm and wore a leather jacket. His brown eyes looked at me, expectantly.

"Sure," I said, "Why not. One dance," He smiled and we moved to the dance floor. 

"What college do you go to?" He asked me pulling my arms up around his neck.

"NYU," I lied.


"You?" I asked him, mostly to be polite.

"I'm not in school right now. I'm in between somethings." I don't know if he acted mysterious on purpose and wanted me to ask him to elaborate, but I didn't really care, and I didn't feel like asking.

I had to admit, he was a good dancer. One dance became two and then three.

"You're a good dancer," He said in my ear mirroring the thoughts I just had of him.

"Thanks," I said. I could tell he was trying to find something else to say, but I didn't really want to talk to anyone, so I turned around to dance with him behind me.

He held me close to him, his hands on my hips and his head dropped down, kissing my temple.

I froze. He turned me around and leaned in, and I pressed my hand to his chest.

"I don't even know your name," I said, my heart pounding.


"I can't," I said, taking a step back.

"What why?" He said, grabbing my hips a little tighter as I tried to move away.

"I have a boyfriend," I said, pushing his hand away.

"Seriously?" He said, sounding annoyed and I took his moment of confusion to step away from him.

I walked away quickly, trying to find Maria and Nicole.

"Lia, what happened? Where'd you go?"

"Nothing, I think I want to go home," I said trying not to sound rattled.

"Wait, why? I'll go with you," Nicole said.

"Me too," Maria said, "Let me find Lana."

The four of us stepped outside into the cold night and decided to Uber to Maria's. Robbie was sleeping at Cameron's, she told me when I made a face at the suggestion.

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