Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Today was the first day of school, and as much as I told myself that it was no big deal, I was really nervous. I looked at myself in the mirror. The school required us to wear uniforms. It consisted of a dark plaid blue skirt and a white or light blue button-down blouse. Today I had chosen the blue blouse.

I read once that blue is a color that subliminally incited trust. It was suitable for job interviews and any occasion where you would want to make a good impression. I wanted to make a good impression on my teachers. The more they positively noticed you, the better your letter of recommendation would be for college.

All I needed was my tie. I looked up a YouTube video on how to tie it. My dad had said he was going to do it for me, but I think he forgot. It was fine. I inspected my work and concluded that I had done a pretty good job.

I grabbed my bookbag, my track bag, and my water bottle and headed downstairs. It was still kind of dark out. I wanted to get there early on the first day and get my bearings, so I called an uber to take me to school.

When I got there, the campus was pretty empty. The door had a doorman who opened the door as I approached it.

"Thank you, are the classrooms open?"

"I don't think so; I believe just the office and library." He said, he had a crooked back and crooked fingers, but his face looked kind.

"Oh, alright, thank you."

"Are you new?" He asked

"Yes, can you tell?" I grimaced.

"Yes, but it isn't a bad thing everyone is new at some point, and this is a great school."

"I know, thank you," I said, smiling, and walked down the hallway.

The school was beautiful. It had tall ceilings and stained glass windows and a beautiful stairwell in the middle. White stone arches were separating each hallway. Even the floors were a beautiful marble, and I could hear my loafers tapping as I walked.

I went to the main office where a short older woman with red hair and a face full of freckles barely concealed under her foundation sat.

"Good morning," she said. She sounded midwestern and smiled bigger than I had seen anyone smile since I arrived in the city.

"Hi, I'm a new student." My voice sounded higher pitched than it usually was.

"Oh, hi sweetheart, no need to be scared. What's your name?"

"Cecilia Gomez."

"Do you know your ID number?"

"No. Would that be on my registration card? I have it in my bookbag," I said, pulling my bag forward under my arm. I knew I should have taken a picture of it; I chastised myself.

"Don't worry, dear; I'll just pull you up with your last name."

"Gomez, huh? Are you Spanish?"

"No, my family is Cuban." 

"Oh, you related to the Bennett family."

"No. They are Bolivian," I said, giving her a tight smile. 

She stopped for a second. "Oh, I just meant are you all friends?"

"We are. But from Track. Cuba and Bolivia are two different countries."

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