Chapter 57 - Varykino (M + E)

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A/N - Hello all Reylo Lovelies out there who have found my story and have stuck with it so far!  I'm honored that so many of you have.  THE STORY HIT OVER 10K IN READS!!  That is so amazing - and I'm still shocked - so a heartfelt thank you to everyone for reading 😎.  This one is a LOOOOOONG chapter (Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, whatever you celebrate!!), but I will warn you now, while there is a lot of Reylo goodness, there is also a lot of smut.  Smut, smut, smut.... 😊.  So for those of you who don't enjoy that - its okay, I'll mark the sections... but its much of the chapter...  Anyhow, this one took a while for me to write (sorry its been a couple of weeks) but I'm going to try to wrap this whole thing up in the next couple of weeks.  I hope you're still enjoying it - and thanks so much for all your support and very kind words.  Please vote if you like it - you know, hit that little star in the corner :) - and I love hearing your feedback so comments are always appreciated!!  I respond too!!  Enjoy!!


The afternoon sun was shining brightly  as Ben and Rey stood chatting with their guests, enjoying drinks and snacks, while the staff and droids set up tables on the terrace for their wedding luncheon.  The couple stayed by each other's side, almost always touching, either standing hand in hand, their arms looped through each other's or with Ben's arm around her waist.

He could feel Rey getting tired and pulled her closer, whispering in he ear.   "You need to sit down."

"I'll be fine for a few more minutes.  They're almost ready to serve lunch."

"Rey – "

"Ben.  You've got your arm wrapped around me, so I won't faint or fall."  She smiled up at him, her eyes twinkling softly.

He could feel his heart melting at her trusting gaze.  This woman had him unintentionally but lovingly wrapped around her little finger, and she knew it.  Growling, he leaned back down to her.  "If you start to fade I will carry you into the house, I swear!"

Her eyes narrowed at him.   "You will not!"   She hissed.

A single brow rose as he smirked down at her.  "I will."  He told her firmly, quickly adding, "But only if I need to."   He gave her a quick kiss, and laughed at the murderous expression still on her face.  He continued to laugh as he kissed her yet again.

The sound of a throat clearing caused them both to turn, to see Leia smiling wryly.   "The food is ready to be served.  As the guests of honor, you two should take your seats first."

Ben nodded.   "Thank you, Mother.  Perfect timing."  He said, earning another sharp look from Rey before escorting her to their seats, the rest of the guests soon following.

The single large table was set up in a square to allow conversation, so that everyone could get to know one another, with Rey and Ben at the very end.  The mood during the meal was light, with everyone chatting and taking turns to give small tidbits of marital advice.  Most of them also took the opportunity to tease the couple about becoming parents so quickly, which made them both blush profusely.

Throughout the meal, Ben was quiet, still not quite accustomed to talking very much around so many people.  He sat silently and watched Rey enjoy herself, eating the fine meal that Leia had arranged, and laughing at the good-natured advice and teasing by their family and friends.  His heart swelled.  She was so beautiful, practically glowing with happiness.   And she was his.  Officially.

Rey could feel Ben's eyes on her almost constantly, but couldn't sense any emotions other than calm happiness and contentment from him.  Leaning into him, she touched his knee, running her hand up his thigh, giving it a squeeze.  "Are you okay?"

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