Chapter 33 - Training Day

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A/N - Hello again Lovelies!  I'm going to try to post two updates for you tonight.  I'm having so much fun writing this - I hope you enjoy!  Please don't forget to vote and please don't hesitate to add any comments, thoughts, reactions, etc.  You've all be so awesome so far!  Thanks so much to all of you who have been reading and staying with this story!


Early the next morning, Rey sat watching Ben browsing through his holopad as they ate their morning meal in the small kitchen area of his quarters.   Hers consisted of a variety of different breads, cheeses and fruits, whereas his was some type of meat and starchy vegetables.

"How can you eat that so early?"  She shuddered, her stomach doing a bit of a flip at the thought.   She was unaccustomed to eating so heavily in the mornings.   Even the smell of it this early in the day was putting her off a bit.

He flicked his gaze up at her.  "What?  This?"  He smirked as he held a chunk of meat up on his fork, before popping it into his mouth.  "Its tasty.   And I'm hungry.  Besides it'll be a long and busy day – starting with training – so maybe you should eat something more substantial."

She shuddered again.  "Ugh, no thank you.  If I eat that before training I feel like I'd be sick all over you...".

He gave her a horrified look.  "Okay, let's not do that then please."  She gave him a smirk in return.

They were both dressed in training attire – hers, a short-sleeved cropped tank and stretch capri pants - having been delivered to the quarters just this morning.  When they arrived at the training room, Rey was intrigued by both its size and the set up, as well as the vast assortment of training weapons that adorned the walls.  There were large, open areas designed for unrestricted hand to hand combat, as well as smaller ones with various obstacles and platforms to be used to jump up on, and build agility.  She absolutely loved it.

"Wow!"  She said, turning to him with wide eyes.  "This could be fun!"

His brow raised as he tossed her a stave.  "Why do you think I like training so much?"

"I think I'm beginning to see.... But are you sure you're up to this?"  There was concern in her voice.

Rolling his eyes, he responded.  "Rey, I'm fine.  I need to move – to get the muscles in the leg and the arm working so they stretch around the scars and the pins.  Don't worry about me.  And don't take it easy on me!  I certainly won't be taking it easy on you."  He told her with a grin.  "If it makes you feel any better I'll put some battle armour on my left arm to give it some protection.   I'd suggest you do the same – I'd hate to leave any bruises on that beautiful skin." 

She narrowed her gaze at him, as they began to don the protective gear.  "Fine.  But when you're sore and aching, and limping later, don't say I didn't warn you."

The corner of his mouth quirked up in a sardonic grin.  "Sweetheart, I like being sore and aching.   It makes me feel alive."

Filing that bit of information away in her brain to address another day, she got into battle position and smiled back sweetly.  "Bring it on then."

They started slowly. Kylo testing out his range of motion and agility of his healing injuries, as well as each of them feeling each other out – to see how hard or how far they were willing to go.   Eventually both of their competitive natures won out over any tentativeness and soon they were striking at each other in full force – Rey using her natural agility to jump, dodge and roll away from his strikes, and him using his amazingly long reach, sheer strength and power to try to overcome her.

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