Chapter 49 - Absolution

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A/N - Hello, hello, hello my Reylo lovelies.  WOW.  JUST WOW.  This story hit 5K in reads today  (Nov 8th, 2020) and I am over the moon ecstatic!  I never could have imagined such a response, and it has totally made this shitty COVID year of 2020 worth it!!  Thank you to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read - and hopefully enjoy, my imaginings for Rey and Ben so far.  We're definitely nearing the end, but there are still a few surprises to come.  I truly hope you enjoy this chapter!  Thank you again for following along, and please, please, please send me some comments and don't forget to hit that little star to vote.  Enjoy!!


"Sir.  The bounty hunter is here.   He has been cleared to land on Deck C-15."

"Thank-you Lobot.  Have him escorted to my office immediately.  I don't want him hanging around here any longer than necessary."

"Yes, Sir."

Lando Calrissian sat back in his chair, deep in thought.  After the news he'd recently received, he was greatly concerned about the safety of his little domain.  He'd been the Baron Administrator of Cloud City for decades, and had somehow – with a bit of skill as well as a little bit of luck – had managed to keep them free of first Imperial and now First Order rule.  But a few days ago, he had heard a rumour that the First Order was planning an attack to take over not just Cloud City, but also to bring the whole of Bespin under their rule.  A bounty hunter by the name of Ramik Flir had contacted him to exchange information for a favour – or credits.   Not only was he determined to find out what the First Order was planning, he was also intrigued about the potential exchange of info for a favour.

It wasn't long before the door to his office slid open, and a helmeted man in red was escorted into the room by his faithful assistant Lobot and two security staff. Lando nodded to the man.  "I assume you're Flir?"

"I am."  The man answered, his voice altered by the modulator in his red helmet.

"Has he surrendered his weapons, and been searched?"  He asked the security agents.

"Yes Sir.   He handed this over, and we found no others."  One of the agents replied, handing over a small, cylindrical object that Lando immediately recognized as a light saber.

Lando's eyes widened as he looked back up at the bounty hunter, shock clearly apparent on his face.  "Are you some sort of Jedi?"  He demanded.

"I am no Jedi."  The modulated voice responded brusquely.

Lando thought he could hear a tinge of bitterness through the modulator.

He took the saber and nodded to the others to leave.  "Have a seat."  He motioned to one of the chairs on the opposite site of his desk.  "So.  You mentioned some important information that you chanced to come by, regarding the First Order's plans for Bespin....?"

The man studied him for about a half a minute before reaching up and unlatching the helmet.   Lando's face and heart froze for several seconds as he recognized the young man in front of him, before jumping up and grabbing a blaster from beneath his desk.  He pointed it straight at what he knew was the man's black heart.  "YOU!"  He boomed.  "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!!??"

Kylo stood as well, holding his hands out in front of him in a gesture of supplication.  "Please Uncle, I mean you no harm.   I... I just want to talk."

"YOU DON'T GET TO CALL ME THAT ANY MORE!!"  Lando growled at him, hatred flashing in his eyes.

"Fair enough."   Kylo responded, feeling a small pang in his chest.

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