Chapter 35 - Return to MedBay

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A/N - Good evening Lovelies!  Another update for you!  I have big things planned for the rest of this story - so thank you for staying with me 😊.  Please vote and comment to let me know if you like or love it!  Thank you all!


Nira rushed through the MedBay doors several steps ahead of the Supreme Leader and called for a gurney.  Everyone sprang into action and before Kylo even stepped through the doors two nurses and two doctors were waiting for him to set Rey down.  She was completely unconscious now.  They wheeled her through the doors, and he followed, still anxious for her – his heart seemingly pounding so hard he thought it would burst through his chest.  Although the tourniquet slowed the bleeding, the flow of blood from her arm was still alarming.  He also knew that if applied improperly or too long, a tourniquet could cause the loss of the limb.

The doctors rushed around her, hooking her up to their diagnostics and otherwise assessing the situation.  Clearly in the way, Kylo wasn't sure where to step or stand, until he felt the nurse's hand at his arm.  "Sir, let them do their work.  Why don't you come out of the room with me?"

Although he had tried to maintain the impassive look on his face since they had gotten her to MedBay, the nurse must have seen the worry in his eyes.   "Don't worry – she'll be fine.  You were a lot worse off when she brought you in here not that long ago, and look at you now."  She spoke softly, reassuringly, and smiled.  "Please.  They'll work faster without you in the way."

Looking back at Rey one last time, he turned to the nurse and nodded.  Taking one step forward, he stopped and turned around – striding back over to Rey and looking at the doctors briefly before leaning over to stroke her forehead and plant a kiss there.   "I'll be right outside Sweetheart.  Call if you need me."  He knew she couldn't really hear him, but hoped that somewhere in her mind his words would register.

The nurse was waiting for him outside of the procedure room, and gestured for him to take a seat.  "My name is Nira, Sir, in case you don't recall."

He looked up at her and swallowed the knot in his throat before responding quietly.   "Thank you Nira."  He hesitated before asking.  "Did you...see it?  The confrontation?"

She nodded.  "Most of it.   It all happened very quickly.  Maybe 5 minutes from start to finish?  Maybe not even that."  Pausing to think for a minute she continued.  "When I got there, everyone had already backed away.  Your Knight had already stopped Lady Rey, and they appeared to be talking.  Then Lt.Tiga stepped between them, and that's when all hell broke loose."  She took a deep breath and went on.   "The next thing I could see, Lt.Tiga went flying across the hall, hitting the wall, and Lady Rey ran over to make sure he was okay, but he appeared to be unconscious.   That's when the Knight pulled out her laser sword, and Lady Rey turned around and did the same."

She looked over at him, as she spoke again.  "At that point it clearly turned into a game of Cat and Mouse.  The Knight kept circling Lady Rey, while striking at her here and there – seeming to play with her.  Lady Rey just kept blocking them all, or jumping just out of reach."

Kylo's mouth thinned into a tight line.  "Did Rey strike her back?"

"Not at first.  The two were saying things to each other, and the Knight was getting angrier and angrier.  You could see it in how she was moving.  She became....wilder, somehow?   After a few minutes you could see the Knight go a little crazy – then suddenly she seemed to get a burst of energy and her swings became more focused.  It was then that Lady Rey started to strike her back."  She looked down, then back up at him.  "Lady Rey was actually quite amazing to watch.   I can't explain it – she had this calm, collected, poise about her as she swung her laser sword at the Knight.  I have no doubt that eventually she would have struck her."

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