Chapter 52 - The Return

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A/N - Helloooo all you Reylo Lovelies!  Rey and Ben's story continues... there are a few more interesting things to come in the next few chapters - so please stay with me!  And I've tried to stay true to lots of yummy Reylo goodness!  Please, please, please give some comments and reactions - and vote too!  You know - that little star in the corner!!  Thanks so very much for reading!!  Enjoy!!  💋


The stars streaked by in a blur of bluish-white, as Ben stared out the front windows of the ship, lost in thought.

"I saw my Uncle."

Rey looked over at Ben's softly uttered comment.   He was beside her in the captain's seat, piloting them back to the Finalizer in his shuttle.   They had left the Chandrila house earlier that day, with Ben contacting Leia once again to let her know that they were leaving, and to arrange for the caretakers to come back again.

Puzzled, she wrinkled her brow.  "Yes, you told me that you went to go see Lando."

"No."  He hesitated.   "My Uncle Luke."

Her brows shot upwards.  "He appeared to you?  When?"

He glanced sideways at her, discomfort evident on his face.   "About a month ago."  He huffed.   "Trust me – I was not happy to see him."  Sighing, he admitted.  "It was when I was at my worst.   I was losing hope of ever finding you... and I was becoming despondent.  I.... could feel myself slipping...."

"Oh Ben..."  Her eyes became glassy.

"Don't cry Sweetheart – please.  Its over and done now."  He swallowed thickly, looking away.   "Luke came to me because they could see what was happening, and they were concerned."

"They?"  She asked, her tone puzzled.

He nodded.  "I'm assuming that he meant my Grandfather and the others who are one with the Force."

Her eyes went wide as saucers.   "Wait – you saw Darth Vader too?"

"No.  Anakin.  But that was a long time ago...."  He turned and looked at her again.

Rey just regarded him silently, waiting for him continue.

Sighing, told her.   "Luke wanted to give me hope.   And warned me that if I slipped, there'd be no going back – even when I found you."  He took a deep breath.  "That was sobering.  I had been searching everywhere for you – but you'd vanished without a trace."

She leaned over and took his hand, entwining her fingers with his.  "I'm sorry...."

"I know you are."  He squeezed her hand, understanding written on his face.  "Believe me, I can feel how sorry you are.  You don't need to keep saying it."  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers.   "But, when we were talking, Uncle Luke said something."  Exhaling, he paused for a minute to gather his thoughts.  " He told me that in the days leading up to... that night – at the temple – that he'd started seeing visions and hearing voices...."

He looked into her eyes, his own now glassy.   "It was Snoke."  Turning away from her, he clenched his fist.   "It was all him.  He did everything.  Manipulated everything so that I would have no choice but to turn...."  She could see a lone tear track down his cheek.   "I feel like such a fool......"  He turned back to her.   "My entire life Rey, until now, has been wasted – because of him."

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