Chapter 26 - Negotiations (Part 1)

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A/N - Hello my Reylo Lovelies.  Another update that hopefully moves the plot along a bit.   Its a long chapter, so I hope you enjoy!  I'd like to give a shout out and thanks  to rainyday0307 and brhr14 for their insightful comments, which have helped me to hopefully stay on the right track.  (P.S. Both of them have great books you should check out!!). As always, please vote and provide any comments.  I really do love reading them - they make my day!  Thank you to everyone who has been reading!


Four days later, Kylo sat in his temporary suite on Coruscant, drink in hand, trying to relax.   They were coming.   She was coming – was on her way.  He could feel her getting closer.  They would see each other, and be physically together again in the same place – not just though the bond.   It had been less than 3 weeks since Lothal, but he was excited to be back in her actual presence.

He hoped that they would be able to have some time alone together, and tried to think of a way to make that happen.  Maybe since they were all supposed to be making nice with each other, he'd invite her to dinner one night – under the guise of discussing their roles as force users.  It was a bit of a stretch, but that could work, couldn't it?

The First Order contingent had arrived earlier that day to ensure that all preparations were well underway in advance of the meetings.   The Resistance would be arriving first thing tomorrow. Rey had already told him that they should not visit each other tonight, since she'll be on the Falcon with the rest of their group.  It would be the first night they'd slept apart since Lothal, and he was going to miss her.  So far, the bond had not stayed open until morning, but at least they got to fall asleep together, and spend part of the night together, content.

Kylo took a deep breath and let out a long exhale.  These negotiations had to go well – everything was riding on it, and it was only the beginning.  He knew that if they couldn't get past these first steps, there was no way they'd be able to establish a lasting peace.  And that's what he really wanted.  For himself, for Rey, and for the First Order.  Sure, there would likely be disagreements with the Resistance going forward, and skirmishes in other systems that they wouldn't like, but if they could come up with protocols for dealing with each other when such things arose, then he was convinced that everything could work out. He hoped he wasn't being a fool.

Startled out of his thoughts by his holopad ringing, he answered quickly.

"Supreme Leader, Sir, it's Avanti."  The voice echoed over the transmission.

"Yes, go ahead."  He listened.

"Sir, there are a few things that need discussing and confirmation prior to the Resistance's arrival tomorrow morning.   Are you available to meet in the Imperial Meeting Room this evening?"

Kylo sighed.  He had just wanted to relax tonight, but since he wouldn't be seeing Rey, it would be a lonely, boring few hours, so he decided that it would be okay to have the meeting.  "Alright General.  I'll meet you in the Imperial Room in one half hour."

"Thank you, Sir.  I'll see you shortly."

When he arrived at the room he found General Avanti there alone, with some papers spread across the central table.  She was in casual attire, which took him a bit by surprise, since he was still in his daytime attire, only minus his cloak.  She smiled warmly at him and gestured for him to take the seat next to her.  "Good evening Sir."

He nodded and took the seat across from her instead.   "General."

Something in her eyes flickered for the briefest second before she went back to organizing the stack of notes in front of her.  He noticed she looked softer somehow with her blonde hair unbound.   "Are Needa and Peavey on their way?"  He asked.

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