Chapter 27 - Negotiations (Part 2)

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A/N - Welcome Back my Lovelies!  Ready for part 2 of "Negotiations?"  Well.... hold onto your butts!  Its gonna be a bumpy ride!  I really hope you like it!  Please send my any love and comments  (I'm really excited about this chappie and would love to hear from you) - and please don't forget to vote!  Toodles!


The meetings the next morning started similarly to the day before.  Everyone was slightly reserved for the first hour or so, before the teams relaxed and they got down to constructive discussions once again.

A few times, Rey's mind started to wander, and she noticed that Finn continued to give her weird looks every few minutes.  She didn't think she was imagining it – he seemed even more upset than the day before.  When he and Poe had picked her up from Ben's suite last night, they had tried to grill her about what the two had talked about, but Rey kept it very general about the Force.  Finn's questions all seemed very distrustful, which made her uneasy.  So what did he say? What did he want to know?  What did you tell him?  It was like he thought she was up to something.  Well, she kind of was, with Ben, but it wasn't anything that would harm anyone.

After they got back to their rooms, Rey begged off hanging out with them, saying that she was tired and was going to bed.  Which was completely true - she hadn't slept well the night before. She went into her room, put on her sleepwear, brushed her teeth, and went to Ben's room through the bond, where they just lay in bed talking and holding each other, until they fell asleep.

Shaking herself back to the present, she surreptitiously glanced over at Ben, who was facing away from her.  She was glad they were able to spend some time together in person last night.   It really was different.  She could almost feel his Force merging with hers – wrapping abound each other , when they were in the same room.  And when they touched, or were intimate it was.....hotter she thought, and her breathing sped up.

You think I'm hot?  She heard in her head, on a chuckle.

She mentally rolled her eyes.  Stop it!  She laughed in her head.  Don't start this so early.

Do you know what I was thinking about?  He asked.  Being able to give you a good morning kiss one day soon....

Warmth flooded her chest.  I'd like that too.

She heard Leia begin speaking, and turning her attention back to the meeting, decided she had better focus on what was being said.

They broke for refreshments after another hour or so, and Rey noticed that the young General summoned Ben from the room again for an urgent transmission.  Her eyes followed him as he left, before she grabbed some caf and a piece of sweet looking bread.  Turning from the refreshment table, she noticed the female General – Avanti – approach.

Smiling at her, she asked.  "Miss Rey, how are you this morning?"

"Uh, its just Rey."  She smiled.  "And I'm well thanks.  You?"  She asked out of politeness.

"Oh, I'm perfectly well thanks."  She gave her a sideways glance.  "I just wanted to enquire if you were well after your dinner with Kylo Ren last night."  Turning to face Rey, she looked at her with sympathy.  "I'm sure most inexperienced young women like yourself would be unnerved by the entire situation."

Rey took a breath to calm herself, trying to figure out where this was going.  "What exactly are you implying by inexperienced General?"  She asked innocently, trying to give an appearance of being wide eyed.

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