Chapter 43 - Respite

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A/N - Hellooooo my Lovelies!  I have a bit of a longer chapter for you today (yes, even longer than usual)!  I'm hoping you'll like it - as it sets up some things.... 😊.  And of course... tick, tick, tick.....the moment is coming....I promise!!

Anyhow - thank you so much for sticking with it, and all of your lovely comments, questions, and reactions.  They're what makes this journey so special to me - so please, please, please keep 'em coming.  And don't forget to vote!!  Enjoy!


Kylo set the autopilot and relaxed slightly for the first time since he had gotten Rey aboard his shuttle.   He took a deep breath, scrubbing his hands over his face and through his hair.  His anger was finally starting to cool to a more manageable level, but after this he didn't think he'd ever be able to be in the pilot's presence without wanting to hurt him.  He knew the bastard had wanted Rey for himself, but never thought he'd go through such lengths when she refused him.  Even to the point of physically and mentally hurting her to try to remove him from her memories.   That's what shocked him the most, as it was something that a darksider – like Snoke – would do.   It told him that this was more about the pilot's ego than his feelings for Rey.

He let out a tired sigh.  Would it ever get any easier?  Would they always face such adversity?  Or would they finally be able to find some peace one day.

He had left FN-21 – Finn – to deal with the pilot when he eventually woke up.   Anxious to be off of Corellia, he had hurried out the door with Rey in his arms, ordering the ex-Trooper to get as much info as he could from the "doctor" when he arrived, wanting to make sure that whatever they gave her was safe, and didn't require some sort of antidote.   He suspected however, that the shot of his own Force he had given her earlier would likely do more to help heal her than anything else.

His throat constricted upon remembering how she'd looked – how she had felt – when he had found her.  Quite simply, she'd been a mess, both mentally and physically.   Even her Force Signature had felt off – like it was slightly muffled – it still did to some extent.  Fortunately, she responded well when he used the Force to clear and calm her mind.  Hopefully, there wouldn't be any lasting effects from their stupid little experiment.   If there were, he'd hunt the pilot so thoroughly that he wouldn't be able to show his face in any civilized system again, and he was sure that if that happened Leia wouldn't take him back either.

She still appeared to be sleeping peacefully when he went to his quarters to check on her.  He knelt by the bed and stroked the hair back from her face, his heart still clenching in fear for her. What if she didn't remember him?  What if she was afraid of him now?  Shuddering at the thought, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her temple.  Feeling his kiss, she made a small sound and her eyes fluttered open.

Her gaze was full of confusion, and more than a little bit of fear when she saw him.  She loudly sucked in a deep breath and he could see her frantically looking around the room, trying to figure out where she was and what was going on.  "Sweetheart, its okay.  You're on my command shuttle.  You're safe now."

She blinked hard two or three times before taking another breath that shuddered out of her chest.  Her eyes finally came to rest, and focused on him.   "Ben?"

The breath whooshed out of him, sheer relief coursing through his veins.  He leaned forward, wrapping an arm around her head and pressing it into his chest.  "Rey...."  He inhaled deeply.   "How are you feeling?  Do you remember anything of what happened?"

He could feel her shudder against him.   "I....I think I'm okay."  He handed her a glass of water which she drank thirstily, then screwed up her face in concentration.  "I remember going to Corellia with Finn and Poe.  Meeting the supplier.  Having dinner.  They surprised me with some Corellian chocolate cake – I was so happy and felt so special.  And then I didn't feel well.  Finn said they were saving me.....And....and then I think I blacked out."

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