Chapter 14 - Progressions

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A/N - This one's not really smutty, but there's a bit of mature fluff.   We'll eventually get to the smut - but these things take time folks!  I hope you enjoy!  Please don't forget to vote and comment!


The familiar, repeated buzzing hum of the lightsaber being wielded was the only sound that could be heard.  A small group of people on the Resistance base had gathered to watch the fledgling Jedi practice with her new weapon.  All were quiet as she moved flawlessly with the unique piece – striking, dipping, jabbing, spinning.  It was breathtaking.

Rey was starting to feel self-conscious at the growing crowd.   Eventually, she stopped, turning the saber off, feeling that she had done enough for her first training session.  When she did so, everyone clapped, which embarrassed and annoyed her.

The small crowd began to disperse, leaving only Finn, Rose, Poe and Leia.  She wandered over and gave them a small smile.  "I wasn't expecting an audience today."  She began nervously and shook her head at her friends.  "Since that was the first time I've practiced with it, I hope I didn't look foolish or unbalanced.   It'll take me some time to get used to it."

Leia immediately responded with a soothing smile.  "You did fine.   Your movements were fluid, and the saber looked like an extension of your body.  Nobody would guess that that was your first time wielding it."

Rey looked down, blushing at Leia's praise.  Glancing at Finn, she noticed that the look he was giving her was filled with awe.  "Rey! That was amazing!  Your new lightsaber is the meanest looking thing I've ever seen – next to Kylo Ren's!   You looked like a real Jedi out there!"

"Thank you Finn – that's so sweet."  She responded bashfully.

Poe stepped up and put his arm around her, smiling.  "We all knew you could do it Rey."  he encouraged.  "The next time you meet up with Kylo Ren with that thing, I'm sure you'll finally be able to end him, and this war along with him."

Poe's words sent a jolt of angst through her.  Trying to keep a neutral expression on her face, Rey glanced over to Leia, who made no attempt to hide her displeasure, and spoke up quickly. "Honestly, Poe.   Must you do that?"

Stepping away from Poe, Rey turned to look at him, as he replied.  "What? What did I say?  We all know that's what its going to come down to."

Leia leaned over and smacked him on the side of the head.  "We do NOT know that.  I'm sure whatever it comes to, Rey will do whatever is needed."  She paused to catch her breath before continuing angrily. "What she does not need, is people putting that kind of pressure on her – saying its her job to kill Kylo Ren."  She gave him a stern glare.   "And I'm sure its not necessary to remind you of who he is to me.  If he needs to be eliminated, he will be, but I'm not moving forward with that option as the Plan A solution to this war.   If we did that, there are others in the First Order who would just take his place, and the war would simply continue on, just as it is now."

Poe just stood there, stunned at Leia's outburst.   Shaking his head, he cursed under his breath, and walked away.  As she watched him leave, Rey looked up and saw Ben standing across the clearing, not having heard or felt the bond connect once again.   Seeing his expression, she guessed that he had heard the entire conversation.

Sighing, she looked down at the ground, and then back up at her remaining friends.  "If you guys don't mind, I'm going to go find a quiet, isolated spot to meditate.  I'll come back to the base later, ok?"

Leia gave her a knowing look.  "Don't worry about what Poe said – we'll take each day, and each battle as it comes."  Rey looked up at her and nodded.   "Don't wander off too far, ok?"

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