Chapter 11 - Encounters

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A/N - Okay my Lovelies, I'd rate this one as slightly mature, but not explicit, and I've noted where it begins.   It's getting warmer in here.... :).  I hope you like it!!


She started the day off early, too eager to sleep in.  After grabbing a quick breakfast, she went to find Chewie and let him know of her plans to head for Christophsis for the day.

Of course, she found him working on the Falcon, tinkering with a part on the hyperdrive.

"Hey Chewie, is she okay to fly today?"

He trilled back that he'd be done in 15 minutes, but wanted to know where she was going.  He barked back unhappily when she told him – having already promised to take Leia on an errand later that afternoon, as he didn't want Rey to go to Christophsis alone.

"Don't worry Chewie, I'll be fine.  It's a simple trek and I can take care of myself."  She smiled. "This trip is kind of a pilgrimage anyways.  Finding one's own Kyber crystal is a big deal, so I really should be going alone anyhow."  Or with my Master, she thought.  Except I don't have one any more.

He replied with a disgruntled sounding yipping growl and a chirp, telling her that he wasn't too happy with her logic.  She hugged him, told him not to worry, and reassured him that she'd be back soon to depart.  She just needed to find Poe first to let him know where she was going. Somebody else on base needed to know where to find her, just in case.

About an hour later, she excitedly departed for Christophsis.  The trip would take a couple of hours, which would hopefully give her enough time to find the caves, find a crystal or two, and get back to the ship before dark.

During the trek, she thought about Ben, and how he'd finally told her why he'd stayed away, relieved to be back on normal footing with him once again.  She also recalled how he'd helped her train yesterday.  Was he becoming her Master?  She wasn't sure she wanted that.  There was so much more she needed to learn with no one to teach her.  What other options did she have though?  She sighed.  That was something that could be figured out later.

Entering the planet's atmosphere was breathtaking.  The crystal planet was beautiful, and Rey loved seeing the colours of new environments – as long as they weren't sand.  As she went in low for a landing, she targeted an area near a mountain range, figuring that the crystal caves would likely be there.  Once she landed, she grabbed her gear, and headed toward the foothills.

After hiking for about an hour, the terrain became rockier, and she soon came upon an opening that looked like a cave.  Something told her to keep going though, so she continued on.  The terrain in this area was much steeper and rockier than the lower foothills, and walking became more and more difficult.  About a half hour later she came to another cave opening, and got an excited feeling in the pit of her stomach.  This was the one – she knew it – the Force was telling her to go in!  She pulled out a flashlight, and slowly entered the cave.

The entrance was dark, but gently sloped, and easy to maneuver.  She walked through a narrow passageway, steadily heading downward, for about 15 minutes until she came to a large open cavern.  As she entered, she gasped.  The cave was alight – glowed – with hundreds of crystals. Most were located together in clusters, and shone with different colours that radiated from deep within their core.

Rey dropped her pack, and walked around the cave, gazing in wonder.  It was so beautiful.  She wished Ben were here.......

She wasn't quite sure how she was supposed to choose.  A passage in one of the Jedi Texts said that one's own crystal would speak to them.  She sat down, closed her eyes, and tried to meditate.  Her mind was so excited that it took several minutes to calm it.   Eventually she started to find her inner self, where she was completely focused....

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