Chapter 22 - The Resistance Base

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A/N - I hope everyone everyone has been enjoying the story so far!  This chapter is a bit of a filler, but completely smut free!  Please vote and let me know if you have comments!   They inspire me!


Rey and Chewie were both silent during the first hour of the trip to the new base on Dantooine. This gave Rey a chance to think about all that had happened between her and Ben in the last day.   Sighing, she thought back to everything they had said to one another.  Although they were always connected by the bond, and could literally feel the others emotions and hear each other's thoughts if they allowed it, they just seemed to fit together.  Everything they'd gone through in their pasts, mostly their abandonment issues, seemed to bring them closer together. They understood each other, like no one else did.

However, after their day together, she felt on much stronger footing with him, and even though they were apart physically, they now they felt like a couple.  Also, they couldn't seem to keep their hands of each other.  She thought back to their repeated lovemaking, and it brought both a blush and a smile to her face.  The things they did to one another, and how it all felt.  The passion, the need, the want.   It had always been there – that pull – but now, she knew what it meant.  Just thinking about it made her breathing speed up and her blood heat.  She blushed again.

This time, Chewie noticed the blush.  Shaking his head and looking over at her from the pilot's seat, he asked.  "So how and when did this happen?"

Rey let out a deep breath and started explaining how it all happened.  When she was done, she told him.  "He's changed.  He's different.   More Ben Solo than Kylo Ren now.  And he wants to do something good with the First Order, doesn't want to keep invading and killing.   He even wants a truce with the Resistance."

At this, Chewie scoffed, disbelieving of the whole thing, and told her so.

"Its true."  She shrugged.  "You'll see for yourself eventually.  He should be planning a meeting with Leia soon."

"I'll believe it when I see it."  He quipped back at her.   "Oh, and one more thing,"  He drawled, "you might want to cover up those marks on your neck before we get to the base."

"Shit!"  She cursed, hearing him chuffing in laughter behind her as she ran out of the cockpit towards the fresher.


Kylo sat in the conference room listening to General Hux spew on about what he believed to be a secret plot by the Vandorians to defer the First Order from imposing the slavery ban on Vandor-1.  He had been at it for almost 30 minutes, outlining all of the unsubstantiated reasons he believed that they were being disingenuous in their negotiations.

He tried to stay focused on the discussion, but found it difficult to prevent his thoughts from straying to Rey.  She loved him.  It was like a chant that kept repeating in his mind over and over again.  The thought brought him such happiness, such sheer joy that he wanted to grin like a complete idiot.  And the way she responded to him when he touched her excited him beyond belief and made him lose his breath.  He smirked as he thought about the 'adult research' he had done beforehand, thankful that it had given him some ideas he hadn't thought of or wouldn't have tried.  Rey had certainly seemed to enjoy them, he thought to himself.  Realizing he was beginning to get aroused, he crossed his legs and decided that it was time to push these thoughts out of his head, and refocus on the meeting.

Hux was still droning on about Vandor-1.  He wondered if the General was lying about the Vandorians.  He had certainly not made it a secret that he disagreed with Kylo's ban on slavery, and his new approach to how the First Order did things.   Giving it some more thought, it seemed prudent to assign another general to this ongoing debacle, to assist Hux.  Kylo knew that Hux would lose his shit, but this was too important to leave in the hands of someone he didn't trust.  Decision made, he determined that he'd ask Varda whether he'd be willing to parachute in with Hux.  If so, at least he'd have a trustworthy officer on the job.

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