Chapter 40 - Back to the Resistance

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A/N - Hey there my Reylo Lovelies!  This is a bit more of a filler chapter (hopefully not too boring), but it lays the groundwork of whats to come.  We're getting closer to the end (but there'll still be a bunch more chappies yet - so don't worry!).  I hope you enjoy it!  As always, thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story and kept reading.  I love, love, love your comments so please leave them freely, and please don't forget to vote!


Rey looked out over the base as the shuttle slowly descended through the atmosphere, nearing their destination.  Apprehension began to build within her as she started to see people streaming out of the small buildings scattered across the base, all looking up at the approaching craft.  All too soon she felt the shuttle touch down softly, and anxiety coursed through her.  She steeled herself against the unknown – unsure of how she would be received by her 'friends' after her stay with the First Order.

Under normal circumstances, a First Order shuttle landing at a Resistance Base would typically cause outright panic and chaos.   However, these were not normal circumstances.   It was for this reason that the singular shuttle was greeted by a relatively large crowd of nervous looking Resistance members as Rey walked down the shuttle's ramp.   Two Stormtroopers followed behind her.   Although she had told them that their presence was not necessary, they had replied that the Supreme Leader wanted to ensure her safety upon her return to the Base, so they were to see to it and make sure her greeting by the Resistance members was not hostile.

Upon seeing Finn, Rose and Poe, they happily called her name and began rushing forward to greet her.  She turned to the Troopers and thanked them profusely with a big smile.  "As you can see, everything is fine and I am perfectly safe.  Thank you for your assistance.  And please let the Supreme Leader know that I arrived safely."  They both gave her a nod, and turned to re-enter the shuttle.

Finn ran up to her and scooped her into a big hug.   "Rey!  Are you okay?   You were gone so long.   Did they hurt you?  Were they mean to you?"

She laughed.  "Calm down Finn.   I'm fine.  One question at a time please."

Rose and Poe also came up and gave her hugs.  "Glad to have you back kiddo."  Poe said genially, catching Rey off guard.  She was certain that he'd be wary around her from now on, but it was almost as if nothing had ever happened.  That he had never set foot on the Finalizer to retrieve her.

She gave Poe a terse smile and turned to Rose, holding out her arms to enfold her in a hug.   "Hi Rose.  Its so great to see you!"

"You too!  You look perfectly fine.  Better than fine actually.   I can't put my finger on it though." Rose told her, a pondering look on her face.

"Why wouldn't I look fine?"  She asked.

Rose giggled.  "The way Finn was talking, I expected you to come back half starved, with dark circles under your eyes – a mere shadow of yourself."

Rey turned to Finn and gave him a dirty look.  Finn glanced away uncomfortably.

"Well, as you can see, I'm no worse for wear, so there was nothing to worry about.  Everybody treated me very nicely.  Well, except for General Hux, but that's to be expected – he's an ass."  Rey gave them a cheeky grin, as she started walking toward the barracks to go to her quarters.

Poe cocked his head to the side, then stopped her, raising her left arm, as he noticed the new scar on her bicep.   "What's this?  I don't remember you having a huge scar here?"

"Yeah, I got into –"   she was cut off by her name being called.

When she looked up, Leia was approaching.   "Rey.  You're back!  It's so good to see you."   Leia reached out and gave her a tight hug.  "You're looking very well."

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