Chapter 16 - Almost There (M)

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A/N - Only a little "mature" but I thought I should put the warning on for those who may not like it when we start to approach "smutty"


Rey had no idea what the future may hold, and where they could, and would go from here.  But deep down, she was connected to this man, in ways that she could never be connected to anyone else, and that no one else could ever fathom.  She pulled his face closer, and kissed him once again.  Softly.  Lingering.  Her hands shifted down and roamed - over his shoulders, down his arms, and onto his chest.

Their breathing quickened, and when Rey's hands moved back up into his hair, he growled.   He shifted her head slightly and began kissing across her jaw, over to her ear and down her neck. She felt his tongue run across her flesh.  His teeth scraped slightly, and she moaned - a soft sound that made him shiver in response.  Heat flowed to the area between her thighs.

At that, he lifted her up, scooted back on the bed so he was leaning against the wall, and sat her back on his hips so that she was straddling him.   At first she was surprised, but melted into him as she could feel his arms fully encircling her, pressing her tightly against his chest.  And right between her thighs, she could feel his hardness.  He wanted her, and it was dizzying.  It made her breathless.   She could feel him moving his hips against her ever so slightly, and she gasped.  In this position, it felt....sinful.  But delicious.  She also began pressing her center down against his erection, and moving with him – drawing a long moan from her, which caused him to groan loudly and grasp her tighter.   His hands were constantly in motion – into her hair, down her back, over her thighs, and up her sides.  Their kisses once again became more frantic - deeper, carnal, and she was now beginning to feel wetness between her thighs.

She began tugging at his tunic, and he reached back to help her take it off.  Leaning back, she admired his chest, and ran both hands up from his abdomen to his collarbone, drawing a raw groan from him at her touch on his bare skin.  His hands roamed up under her shirt once again, his thumbs finding her nipples and brushing over them lightly.   Whimpering into his mouth, she bucked her hips against him, and went a little wild, causing him to gasp and clench his teeth against the heightening pleasure.

She ran her hands over his bare chest, loving the feel of his skin beneath her fingers.  Moving away from his lips, she trailed kisses down his jaw to his collarbone and shoulder, where she placed a soft bite.  He groaned hugely and fiercely dragged her back up to his lips, kissing her deeply, hungrily.  The pressure between her thighs continued to build, as his movements against her became more frantic, and her mind became hazy with desire.  She could almost imagine how his movements and his hardness would feel if they had no clothes on – how it would feel if he slipped inside of her.  She went slack jawed at the thought, as her breath huffed out in a deep shiver, and her center felt like it was starting to throb.

Kylo could feel her excitement building through the bond as he continued to grind against her. He knew he was getting close to climaxing, and felt that she probably was too, but he was rapidly losing the ability for coherent thought, as his body took over.  His hands gripped her hips, holding her in place as he thrust against her purposefully.  His groans were becoming rhythmic with each thrust, starting to reach a fevered pitch, as his lips devoured her.

Ben was becoming wilder and wilder beneath her, and although the pleasure felt amazing, she could feel it building to something that felt wonderful but frightening at the same time.  It was getting close to a point of being unable to stop - and it was all starting to become too much for her experience.  She broke their kiss and pulled back suddenly, trying to catch her breath.   Touching her head to Ben's forehead, she held onto him for dear life while her breathing slowed.

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