Chapter 32 - Contact

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A/N - Hi my Reylo Lovelies.  This one's a bit more of a filler chapter, but much needed to move the story along.  As in almost all of my chapters, there's still lots of oooey gooey Reylo goodness to keep your hearts a fluttering.  Enjoy!  Please vote and send me your comments and reactions!


Leia could only describe her reaction at finally hearing from Rey as stark relief.  Finn and Poe were driving her absolutely crazy, asking 2 or 3 time a day whether she had heard from Rey.   She'd comm'd them to come to her office the moment Connix told her there was an incoming message from Rey on her frequency.   Connix transferred it to her holopad so they could speak in private for a minute or two.

"Rey!  How are you?  Is everything ok?"  She asked, concern evident in her voice.

"Everything is fine Leia.  The people here are treating me well."

She nodded.  "Good.  And.... How is...he?"  She asked tentatively.

Rey smiled softly.   "Ben is fine.  Now.  He was very seriously injured though."  She took a breath. "He almost died Leia.  He just got out of MedBay yesterday, but he's doing much better.  I had to use the Force to help stabilize him till we got him back, or he would have....."  She cleared her suddenly tight throat.  "Their medical equipment and procedures really are quite advanced.   If one of our people was injured in the same way, they probably would have died or would still be in a coma, and would likely never be able to use their arm properly again."

Leia closed her eyes and fought off the shiver that went through her.  She could feel that he had been critically injured.  She had almost lost him forever, without really getting him back.   "Thank goodness you were there Rey."

"He saved them Leia.  He used the Force to save his Generals."  She told her quietly.  "And they love him for it."

Leia blinked back tears, and smiled proudly, before clearing her throat.  "I'm glad......When do think you'll be coming back?"

That was the question Rey had been dreading.   "I'm really not sure....maybe a couple more days?"

Leia simply nodded just as Finn and Poe burst into her office.  "Is she still on?  Let me speak to her!"  Were the first words out of Poe's mouth.

"I have two very anxious young men here that would like to speak with you Rey."  Leia told her on a laugh.  "Don't trip over yourselves boys."

Rey could see both Finn and Poe's faces appear, pushing at each other to be able to see her.   "Guys, I'm fine.  There is no need for you to be so panicked!"  She laughed.

"We've been so worried!"  Poe injected.  "What happened to you?"

She wrinkled her nose.   "What do you mean what happened?   I went with the First Order crew to help.  Some of them were very badly injured and I had to use the Force to help stabilize one of them until we got back to their ship."

"So why are you still there?"  Finn challenged.

Rey took a breath to tamp down her rising temper.  "Because Finn, someone had just made an attempt on the Supreme Leader's life, and if we want to make peace with them we need to make sure he stays alive."  She paused.  "It was actually a good thing that I rescued them all and helped keep them alive, otherwise they would have suspected that we were behind the attack!"

"So what?"  Asked Poe.  "Then they would have feared us, at least."

Rey's lips thinned and she took a minute to compose herself, deciding that now was a good time to end the conversation.  "I'll see you guys when I get back.  Can you please give the holopad back to Leia now?"

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