Chapter 23 - The Day After

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A/N - A bit of a shorter chapter.  I was aiming to add a bit of "cute".  Don't worry - the smut will eventually return!! (There has to be a story behind the passion!! 😜).  I hope you like it!  As always, please vote and comment!


Kylo paced around his room on the Finalizer, waiting for Rey to hopefully show up.   He had already eaten dinner, showered and changed into his night clothes, but found it difficult to sit still.  He didn't know why, but he was nervous.  His heart was pounding, his palms were sweating, and he felt like there were butterflies in his stomach.  What in the hell was wrong with him?  It had been less than 12 hours since they last saw each other!  Feeling a bit foolish, he took a few calming breaths, hoping to clear his head.  When that didn't help, he sat down at his desk, and tried to browse his holopad for any distractions.

When that didn't work, he simply gave up, tossing the holopad aside, and let his thoughts stray to Rey.  Even though it had only been half a day, he was excited to see her again, touch her again, see her smile..... He was also excited to see what this next stage of their relationship would be. How they could make this work.  He didn't care what needed to happen, he would ensure that it did.  His entire future was riding on it.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the bond connect, until he heard her exclaim.  "I did it!!"  from behind him.   Swiveling around, he found Rey sitting cross legged on the floor in the center of his quarters, a huge, happy grin plastered on her face.  Standing up from his chair excitedly, he strode over to her and held out his hands to help her up, smiling down at her.

"How many tries did it take?"   He asked.

"Just one!"  She exclaimed, "I did it the first time."  She almost jumped into his arms, winding her own around his neck and looking into his eyes.   Still smiling broadly, she said,  "Hi."

Running a hand through her hair to brush it away from her face, he gave her a soft kiss and a smile.  "Hi."

They both stood there smiling at each other, unmoving for several minutes, grinning like idiots.  Rey moved her hands from around his neck and smoothed them down over his chest and shoulders, before wrapping her arms around his torso and sighing happily.  She was wearing a tank top and shorts as her sleeping outfit, and he ran his hands up her back underneath her shirt, causing her to sigh contentedly again.

Rubbing her back, he told her.  "Looks like you figured out how to calm your mind enough to find me this time."

"Maybe."   She said hesitantly.  "But I don't think so.  I was so excited to see you, my mind wasn't clear at all, and I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach."  She paused.  "I think the bond is even stronger now that..."  She blushed.  "I barely had to try at all."

Thinking about that, he nodded. "Yeah, that probably makes sense. That's a good thing though, right?"

"Mmm hmmm."  She continued to snuggle into his chest, enjoying the closeness.

He chuckled.   "Butterflies, huh?  Now it all makes sense..."  She looked at him oddly.  "I think I felt them.  Before you got here, I had a feeling of butterflies in my stomach too."

"You felt them?"  She asked, shocked.  "My butterflies?"

He nodded.   "I think so..."

"Wow.  Then it has gotten stronger."  Her eyes widened and she looked up at him coquettishly. "Or...."  She postulated.  "Maybe I felt your butterflies?"  A cheeky grin was plastered to her face.

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