Chapter 45 - Enlightenment

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A/N - Hey there all you Reylo Lovelies!  I have  one more relatively peaceful - but hopefully exciting - chapter for you.... the puzzle pieces are starting to come together, so I hope you like it!  Thank you to everyone who's kept reading!   As always, please please please let me know what you think - I love your comments and reactions!  And of course, don't forget to vote!  Thanks again!!


The next morning, Rey sat in the cockpit of Ben's command shuttle in thoughtful reflection.    Their short stay on Naboo had been wonderful.   She'd loved everything about it.  Right from their arrival – from just being together and relaxing, to Ben teaching her how to swim, getting engaged, and then meeting the family she never knew she had.  She had learned so much in the past couple of days, and now felt like there were pieces of her - parts of her past - that were once missing that had suddenly snapped into place.   However, there was so much she still didn't know.

Ben had promised to search the First Order archives to see if there was anything about her mother there.  If she was known to be a Force user, its possible that they had had some information about her.   Rey's heart had swelled when he told her he'd do that.  She did want to learn about what had happened to her Mother, and who her father was.  But if she never found that, at least now she felt she had roots – and a family name.  Villerie.   Her connection to Naboo – the reasons she loved it so much and the feeling that she belonged there, now made perfect sense.

After the test had confirmed that Sismé was indeed her aunt, they had stayed for several more hours – just talking and getting to know each other better.  Rey had told her of her childhood – growing up scavenging on Jakku – which of course had shocked Sismé and made her very sad.   However, she also told her that while she had craved a family – had always wanted one – her difficult childhood made her into who she is today – made her strong.  And without that, she probably wouldn't have met Ben.

When she had said that however, he'd shook his head in disagreement.   "I don't think so.  We would've met.  The Force led us to meet then – just as it would have led us to meet had you grown up with your family.   I'm more certain of that now than I've ever been."

She had thought about that briefly before also nodding, knowing now that the Force meant for them to be together.   "Yes, you're probably right."

They had also loosely talked a bit about the ties between their families – how Ben's Grandmother was Padmé Amidala, former Queen.  With a slight shake of his head, Ben had cautioned her about giving too many details, in case the connection to Vader came out.   At first, Sismé was truly shocked – puzzled at how, generations later, the two young people would have found each other.  "Like Ben said – it's the Force.   It seems to have some sort of plan – or intention – for our families."

Their gazes flicked to one another.  Powerful light and powerful dark.   He spoke to her mind. They've been drawn to each other since the beginning.  Rey closed her eyes and just nodded.

Her uncle – Brak - had returned home late in the afternoon.  He seemed to be a kind man and appeared to be happy that his wife had found some more of her family.  She also found out that she had two cousins who lived outside of Theed, and promised Sismé that she'd return soon to meet them.

After all of the discoveries their visit had felt like a bit of a celebration.  Her uncle had brought out some wine and they ended up staying for dinner, comfortably chatting and getting better acquainted.  By the time they had left, Rey had truly felt like she had some roots.

Stealing a glance at Ben sitting in the pilot's chair, she was more certain than ever that their destinies were entwined, and that they were indeed supposed to be together.  It had always just felt right, but this seemed like cosmic confirmation that no matter what happened, they were meant for each other.  He would return her to the Resistance base today, and after a few days she would go back to the Finalizer.  Eventually, they would formally wed.  They were on the right path.

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