Chapter 8 - Its Getting Stronger

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A/N - OK my little Reylos - time to start turning up the heat (just a little).  Enjoy!


The eerie red glow in the cavernous room glinted off the silver lines of his helmet as the black garbed figure walked across the bridge.  The light seemed to be gradually fading, replaced by a deeper glow of the red lights as the sunlight was extinguished.

"I know this place."  Rey thought as she re-lived the memory, a knot of dread and fear forming in the pit of her stomach.  An aura of darkness, terror and pain surrounded her.

The scene continued to unfold in front of her.  She could see Han Solo call out to the figure on the bridge, and walk across to join him.  Although she couldn't remember hearing what they had said to one another the first time she experienced the scene, she could now hear every word that was exchanged.  Heard when Han told the figure to take off the mask, and when he did so, heard when he begged Ben to come home.

As the memory played out, her panic escalated, knowing what was about to happen.  She could feel the sweat break out all over her body, and her breathing increased, her heart pounding in her chest.  Han stepped closer and her heart clenched, hearing Ben – no, Kylo Ren, ask  "Will you help me?"

No!  she wanted to shout – but instead heard it shouted by someone else.  What the hell?

She knew what was coming next, and felt sick, tears coursing down her face.  When the red lightsaber plunged through Han's chest, her throat constricted and all she could manage was a whispered Noooooo.  Or so she thought.

Someone next to her screamed a tortured "Noooo!  Stop!!  I'm sorry!"  She turned in her memory to look at Finn beside her – but he was shocked into silence.  Another tormented scream echoed from beside her and her eyes snapped open.

She sat up quickly, and looking around, realized she was in unfamiliar surroundings.  The sounds next to her continued, and glancing at the space beside her, her eyes widened in shock. Next to her lay a shirtless Kylo Ren.   And she was in his bed – likely on his ship The Finalizer. Shivering, she realized that the bond had connected her to him here.

He was having a nightmare – reliving the death of his father.  Watching him, she could see that he was covered in sweat – tendrils of his hair sticking to his face, and he continued to thrash about, making sounds of agony.  This was not Kylo Ren – this was Ben.

Somehow, she had been with him in his dream.  That's why she could hear what they had said to each other.   Must be part of the bond she thought.  This was new.   It was almost as if they discovered something different about the bond every time they connected.   Either that, or it was getting stronger.... She shivered, unsure about what that would mean.

Rey continued to watch him for a few seconds, but was at a loss.  Wanting to help ease his pain, yet not daring to wake him up. Could she help him?  She thought.  Reaching over tentatively, she very gently laid her fingertips on his shoulder – snatching it back when he moved suddenly and muttered something unintelligible.  Slowly trying again, she gently laid her hand on his shoulder.  As when they had touched previously, the feel of his skin below her palm felt hot, and tingled.  The feeling travelled up her arm – causing her to suck in her breath.

This was the first time she had touched him for more than a brief instant, and she felt a distinct hum beneath her fingers.  She hoped it wouldn't wake him, unsure as to what he would do if he woke up and found her next to him, watching his torment.  Taking a deep breath, she resisted the urge to run her hand over his bare skin.  The idea was intoxicating, and she shivered just imagining it.  Exhaling slowly, she forced the thought of it from her head before her hand developed a mind of its own.

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