Chapter 13 - Cultivating Light

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A/N - Hello my Reylo Lovelies!  I hope you're enjoying this as we go deeper and deeper... I'm trying not to rush things... hopefully it'll all be worth the wait ;).  Soon.


Rey woke early the next morning, eager to start the day.  She wanted to make sure she had enough time to get in some training, and find all the parts she would need to build her lightsaber.  Some of them may need to be hunted down, but she was good at that.  The hilt concerned her the most, as she may not have anything appropriate to use to construct it.  She really wanted to be able to complete it if Ben visited tonight.

The thought of him made her heart speed up and brought a smile to her face.  He was changing – she could feel it.   Each time she saw him, he was a little less Kylo Ren, a little more Ben.  He would always live with what he'd been and the things he'd done, but certainly, people deserved a chance to show they could change – could become better than they were before.  Atone for past sins.

A whisper of unease flowed through her.  His sins were so much worse than most.  Even if others could see the man he really is – the one he was becoming, they probably wouldn't understand how she could even consider forgiving him, let alone liking him.

She shook her head.  Like him?  She was enthralled by everything about him.  His looks, his mind, his body, his power.  They were growing closer every time they connected, and now, every time they touched, kissed.   Sighing, she brought her fingers to her lips with the memory. Hopefully he would be able to connect tonight.

Unbeknownst to her, Poe had been watching her as she made her way to the canteen for breakfast.  "Good morning."  He said, giving her a huge smile.  "Looks like someone else is up early."

"Oh, good morning Poe!"  she said, returning his smile, brightly.

He glanced at her, noting her demeanour.  "You look like you're in a really good mood today.  So tell me, what's put that smile on your face?"  he teased.

She tensed up for a moment, unsure of what to tell him, before smiling again.  "I'm going to build my new lightsaber today."

"Really?  That's so great!  Is there anything I can do to help?"  he looked at her eagerly.

Again, she tensed up, just slightly, before continuing. "Well, the actual construction part is a Jedi thing, so I'll have to do that alone."  His face fell.  "But maybe you can help me scrounge around the base for the parts I'll need?"

His face lit up, and he wrapped his arm around her giving her shoulder a squeeze.  "Of course. Whatever you need.  Let's grab some food, and then get to it."

Stopping, she turned to stand in front of him, using the motion to gently shrug his arm off of her. "I need to train after breakfast, and then I'll come find you, ok?"

"It's a date."  He said, giving her a cheeky grin.  "Just come and find me when you're done."

She was feeling a little uncomfortable with his touchiness, and his comment about "a date", but knowing that this was just Poe, she shrugged it off.  "Great!  Now let's go get some food – I'm starving!"


The Knights were already assembled in the main conference room when Kylo entered.  All six of them walked over to stand in front of him, lowered to one knee and bowed their heads.  "Master."  They all said in unison.

Kylo didn't waste any words.  "I have called you all here to let you know that your search for the Resistance is over."  All six heads raised to look at him.

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