Chapter 18 - Arrival

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A/N - Sorry to have left you on a cliffhanger.  I will try to do a double update tonight, and maybe tomorrow we'll finally get to the good stuff!  Enjoy!  Please let me know if you like it!  And thank you to everyone who has been reading so far!  


Rey ran into the hanger and grabbed the box with the Jedi texts.  As she turned to dash back to the Falcon the next blast hit, bringing down the roof of the hanger.

She screamed and used the Force to keep most of the debris off of her, but wasn't entirely successful.  Her leg was trapped under a bunch of rubble, and it felt wrong.  Shit.  It was probably broken.  There was no way she could lift the debris off of it and make it to the Falcon in time.

She screamed through her comm link.  "Chewie!   I'm okay, but trapped.   You HAVE TO GO.  I'll be fine.  Don't worry.  They won't know I'm in here.  You can come back for me later, after they've left."  He roared in fury and obstinately refused to leave – saying he was coming to get her.   "NO. Chewie, I MEAN IT.  If you do that you'll be captured.   Listen to me.   I AM FINE.   GO NOW!!"  He chirped back angrily and told her if she wasn't dead when he returned that he was going to kill her.

Although she knew she shouldn't, she chuckled a bit – yes, that's Chewie.  She heard the engines roar and then grow quieter in the distance.  Taking a deep breath, she finally felt the pain in her leg.  She would have to pay attention to it at some point soon, but she could hear the ground troops now, and so needed to be quiet until they decided that there was no use to stay.   She lay back, closed her eyes, and began to quietly mediate.  Then she felt him..... and sighed deeply. Chewie's wrath was nothing in comparison.  He was really going to kill her.


There was no way that Kylo was going to stay back for this one.  Of course, Hux never got his hands dirty, and so elected to stay behind on the Finalizer.   Kylo waited until all the ground troops were dispatched, and then followed in his command shuttle.   He could operate it alone, but took a minimal crew to keep up some appearances.

As the command shuttle approached the planet, he could feel that the base was almost deserted.  But as they got closer, he realized that the Falcon was still there.  His gut clenched. There was no way she'd leave it behind!   She was still there!  Was she crazy?  She promised!!!  He clenched his fists and watched as a blast destroyed their now empty hanger, and a few seconds later the Falcon took off.

"Shall we fire upon her Supreme Leader?"

Kylo inhaled sharply.   "No.  Equipment and infrastructure only.  We're actually trying to minimize loss of life this time."

The captain looked at him oddly.  "Understood Sir."

He watched the Falcon in the distance as it jumped to light speed, but then realized he could still feel her closely.  His brow furrowed.  What the hell?  He tried to focus – to see if he could locate her.  She couldn't still be on the planet.  She simply couldn't.

As the shuttle landed, he could feel her even more strongly.  His heart stopped when he realized that she was in the now destroyed hangar, and he almost roared in fear and anger.

His hands began to shake, so he clenched them even more tightly.  He could feel her, so she was alive.  But she was likely underneath a bunch of rubble.  He needed to figure out what to do.

He exited the shuttle and strode over to the destroyed hanger.   Troopers were dispatched over the remains of the base, searching for any stragglers.  They had only sent 30 ground troops, plus the two on his command shuttle, and the pilot.

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