Chapter 53 - Transitions

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A/N - Hiya Lovelies!  We're getting closer to the end now - just a few more chappies to go!  I'm hoping you'll like them all.  This one (and probably the next) are definitely a bit tame - but wraps up a few loose ends and sets the stage for things to come.  Don't worry, there's still lots of excitement and yummy Reylo goodness to come. 😁  Thanks to everyone for their kind words and often hilarious comments!  Please continue to drop me your comments - they're really great!  And please remember to vote if you like it!  Thank you again for all of your support - Enjoy!!


"I want to show you something."  Ben told her quietly.

They were walking through the corridors of the Finalizer, following the announcement that they made to a global assembly of the First Order – and then the galaxy – that the Supreme Leader and the Lady Rey of the Villerie family from Naboo would be joined in marriage.  Rey had vehemently protested being referred to as "Lady Rey", but Ben just shook his head and told her that it was to honor her mother's family.  After hearing his explanation, she considered it for a few minutes before she grudgingly agreed.

Prior to the staff assembly, they had quietly announced their news to the First Order Generals, and had also told them that the couple would be welcoming a child in about 4 and a half months.   None had seemed shocked and all had offered heartfelt congratulations on their news. Amala had smiled and winked at Rey out of the corner of her eye.

Rey had been at his side while he'd made the announcement, and had never been more terrified in her entire life, standing in front of all of those First Order staff and Troopers.  It also didn't help knowing that it was being broadcast to other First Order bases and stations as well as the rest of the galaxy via holovid.   Immediately after making the announcement he had turned to her and tenderly kissed her fingers, publicly showing his affection for her.  She had been sweetly touched when he did that, as it showed the galaxy that their joining was not simply one of convenience – that it was more than two powerful force users from opposing factions merging together.

Now as they made their way to wherever Ben was taking her, Rey could sense a distinct shift in the mood on the ship.   People seemed excited.  Almost all of the staff who passed them smiled broadly and offered their congratulations at the couple's upcoming marriage.  Rey was completely stunned at their behavior, but Ben just smiled down at her audaciously.   "I told you. You're their Lady Rey."

So now not only the First Order, but also the entire galaxy knew that they were a couple.  Her Resistance friends all knew that she was marrying the Supreme Leader of the First Order.  She wondered what they thought about it.  They probably thought that she was crazy – especially in light of the recent events around Vandor-1.  However, she had to admit that while there was a small part of her that wanted them to understand, she didn't really care.  This was her life – these were her choices – and if anyone didn't like it, that was just too bad.  She was done hiding it all, and would proudly become Rey Solo in a matter of days.

Ben had explained to her how dangerous it was for anyone outside of the First Order – with the exception of his Mother and Uncle - to learn about what had really happened with Vandor-1.   How it would look if anyone found out the truth, and what it would do to their ability to oversee the changes that he wanted the First Order to make.  Hopefully the story they had created to cover it up was believable enough to try to maintain some sense of trust and order within the galaxy.  The news holos about the First Order's part in the tragic accident on Vandor-1 – and their apologies and offers of compensation, were sent around the galaxy yesterday.   Thousands of Vandorian refugees who were off-world or living on other planets when it blew up had already contacted the First Order for restitution.

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