Chapter 51 - Together Again (M + E)

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A/N - Hi Lovelies!  I'm back with another update.  This one is rated mature.  (Hey, what's a love story without a little makeup sex?).  There are a few plot elements in here, but its really a lot of fluff....consider it a bit of reward for the pain and sorrow of the last few chapters 💋.   I've marked the area where the real smut starts - but there are some slightly mature elements in a few paragraphs before the smut zone.  Thanks for everyone who's been reading (and for your patience while I get these posted every few days).  I hope you like it!  Please drop me some comments and don't forget to vote!  Enjoy!


A feeling of warmth and peace flowed through Rey as she slowly woke from her nap.   Momentarily confused, she stirred slightly and felt the arms that were holding her tighten slightly.  Ben!  She thought, as it all came flooding back to her.  He was here.  He came for her. He'd been hurt and angry, and they'd had a terrible screaming match, but everything had been based on a misunderstanding.  Her foolishness.  And her misguided mistrust of him and fear for her child – caused in part by her nightmare from so long ago.   Her heart clenched painfully.  It really had been all her fault.  He'd literally just come out of his shell - was still healing from his wounds of the past – and she'd hurt him in the worst possible way.  The fact that he hadn't slipped back to the Dark side after all the pain she caused him was a testament to how far he'd come.  She once again thanked the Force and all of the Gods for giving him the strength to overcome that – and to forgive her.

Her back was against his chest, and she very gently turned to face him.  His arms tightened once again and he murmured something in his sleep.  After they'd returned to the house and eaten the lunch that had been prepared by the house droid, she'd been so exhausted that she'd needed to lie down.  Ben had tenderly tucked her into bed, giving her a soft kiss before turning to leave the room.   Not wanting to be away from him, she'd held out her hand, whispering.  "I think you need a nap too."  Grinning at her suggestion, he had happily joined her, and obviously fell asleep too.  He'd looked so tired earlier – so haggard – she couldn't bear to wake him yet.  Again – it was her fault.  Sighing, she very gently stroked his cheek.   She'd make it up to him, somehow – she would.

She gazed at his face, now in the soft repose of sleep.  He looked so peaceful – so beautiful to her.  She loved him with the very depth of her soul – had still loved him this much even when she'd thought he'd turned to the Dark again.  But just like when he'd originally offered her his hand in the Throne Room, she couldn't be with him as a darksider.  That was why she ran.

Relief coursed through her once again.  She'd been wrong – stupid – for not trusting him.  He'd never turn back – she knew that now.  They were bound to each other in ways that nobody else could fathom, and suspected that they would be for eternity – when they were both one with the Force.  And that was fine with her. It actually gave her a sense of peace – that whatever happened they'd always be together.

Maybe he was right - that this had been some sort of test from the Force.   Something they'd needed to endure, for whatever was to come in their lives.  She sighed again.   Whatever it was, she was just utterly relieved that they'd been able to overcome it, and they'd be spending their lives together, rather than two halves living apart.

Her belly rumbled prompting her to consider leaving the bed to grab a snack.   If she did, Ben would probably wake up.  Glancing back over at his sleeping form, she decided it might be more fun to wake him up slowly, rather than startling him by climbing out of bed.  Smiling to herself, she leaned over and brushed a stray lock of hair out of his face before planting a soft kiss on his forehead.  Watching for any reaction, she noted that he was still deeply asleep.  Smirking, she leaned closer to him.  It seemed as if more action would be required.

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