Chapter 2 - The Hunt

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Rey smiled and laughed softly at the stall owner who was trying to cajole her into buying a trinket that had caught her attention.  She was in an open market on the planet Onderon with Rose, while Finn and Poe went to meet with a Resistance supporter in the town, who had some critical intelligence on the First Order.  They were to mingle in the market until Finn and Poe were done, to see if they could pick up any additional information.

The stall owner was a native inhabitant of the planet, with a silvery cast to his skin, was very friendly, as well as eager to make a sale.  Suddenly, the atmosphere around them seemed to come alive as other shop owners hastily began packing up their things and departing.

"What's going on?"  she asked in Basic, confused and more than a little nervous.

He was looking around and shaking his head.  "I don't know...."  His eyes landed on a spot up the street before widening in fear.  Rey turned to follow his gaze and gasped.  She knew he was hunting them......

Two dark clad figures were purposefully marching up the street.  Both were caped, and wore masks suspiciously similar to that of Kylo Ren.  From beside her she could hear Rose whisper "There's more than one of him?"

"No, neither are him.  They're Knights of Ren."  Rey told her, as she studied them out of the corner of her eye.

The Knights of Ren – Kylo Ren's elite soldiers.  All had the Force, and all were trained by him.  For all intents and purposes, they were his personal death squad.  One of their informants had let Poe know that Kylo Ren had ordered them to find the Resistance.  That was two months ago, so they were probably here in search of them.  Rey needed to tread very carefully to get out of this without any bloodshed.  She'd have to keep her mind carefully focused.  If they sensed that she was trying to keep them from certain thoughts, they'd be in deep trouble.  She glanced over at Rose, most worried about her.

Not wanting to call unnecessary attention to themselves, Rey turned her focus back to the stall owner who was packing up his wares.  He whispered to them  "You should leave, now."

"Its too late!"  she hissed.  "We're the last ones here.  If we try to leave now they'll see us and detain us.  Please."  She begged.   "Let me buy the jewel I was admiring.  At least it will look like we had a reason for not running off!"

She considered using the Force to mind trick him to allowing them to complete the purchase, but she was afraid that they'd sense it. "I'll pay double for it."  she quickly told him.

He nodded, and turned behind him to retrieve the small, galaxy shaped pendant while Rey pulled out her small money purse.  She could hear them coming up behind them. "Rose, don't say anything."  She told her under her breath.  "Just keep thinking We need this gift over and over.  Nothing else. Okay?"

Rose nodded, eyes wide.

"Well, well, well – what have we here?"  Rey was surprised that the voice was female.

Immediately assuming a subservient attitude, Rey cleared her mind of everything except the gift, looked down at the ground and began to stammer. "I...I'm sorry."  She took a breath.  "I...I just need to finish buying this gift and we'll be on our way."  She paused, then pleaded.  "Please. We'll be just a minute...".

Vitka Ren leaned closer to the little mouse of a girl standing at the market stall, shaking like a leaf, and watched her cower before her.  "Poor little mouse.  Did you get caught?"

Rey continued to focus her thoughts only on the proposed gift and the notion of her fear.  She could not afford for them to read her thoughts and learn who she really was.  As she opened her mouth to speak, the other knight cut her off.

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