Chapter 60 - Showdown

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A/N - Hi Lovelies!  This took awhile to complete - but its a LONG one, so get cozy before you start reading 😊.  Thanks for your support and patience! Only two more chappies to go after this -  I hope you enjoy!  Thank you to all who have kept reading and stuck with the story - I never thought it would be this long!  I'd love to hear your thoughts, so please send me some comments and please vote if you like it!


The sound of the door opening slowly registered in Rey's sleepy mind, waking her from a deep slumber.  Almost a week had passed since she'd been taken, and other than those first two visits she'd only seen the droid who'd brought her her meals every day.  She tried to cock an eye open, but was still too groggy and began slipping back into the arms of sleep.  Not long afterward she could hear the sound of someone trying to get her attention.

"Ssssssssssst."  There was a brief pause, and then she heard it again, a bit louder and more forcefully.  "Sssssssssst!"

Taking a deep breath, she rolled over and blinked her eyes open.  "Okay - I'm awake!"

Propping herself up onto her elbow, she saw the one called Cardo, standing in the middle of the room looking at her.  She raised an eyebrow.   "Yes?"

"Quiet."  He told her under his breath.

This immediately got her attention and she sat up, looking at the man in the mask, curious as to why he was here but so obviously didn't want anyone else to know.   He stood there silently watching her, completely still.   His helmet reminded her of a more basic version of Kylo Ren's.   "Why do you still wear the helmet?"  She asked him curiously.

He regarded her silently for a moment, before speaking solemnly.   "We're not permitted to remove them without the Master's permission."

Tilting her head, she replied.  "But he's not your Master anymore, so you're free to remove it."

"I have always worn it.  Only the other Knights – and the Master – have seen my face in a very long time."

She shrugged.   "It must be uncomfortable.   I'm sure it would be fine if you removed it."

He studied her again for what seemed like a long time before reaching up and unlocking the mask, sliding it over his head.  She was surprised to see a light-haired human gazing back at her with an expressionless face.  Giving him a brief nod, she asked.   "Why are you here?"

His face remained blank, but his eyes never left her.   "You spoke of Vitka, and her – desires."  She just looked at him silently and let him continue.  "It was you who removed her hand."  Rey nodded back at him.  "You said she wanted to be Mistress of the Knights of Ren.  How do you know this?"

Rey studied him, hoping that his faith in Vitka was waning.  "She told me – when she attacked me on the Finalizer – when we fought."  Her eyes glazed over remembering the altercation.   "She wanted to kill me then – to get me out of the way to pursue Ben – Kylo – to become the Mistress of Ren.  Not long afterwards, she escaped, and then he released all of you."  Looking up, her eyes were pleading.   "A few days ago, she told me that now she just wants my baby.   She's going to use the baby to blackmail Ben....Kylo into letting her become the Supreme Lady."

The Knight seemed to be absorbing this information, his gaze still never wavering from her eyes, her news not even causing any reaction to register on his face.  She had to admit that it was a bit disconcerting.  No one other than Ben had ever looked at her so directly – so intently - for so long.  "You call him Ben."

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