Chapter 55 - Families

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A/N - Hi there all Reylo Lovelies!  This chapter took me awhile to post - and I'm so sorry.  It actually got too long, so I've split it into two (which unfortunately means you'll have to wait a bit longer for the main event).  But I wanted to add in a few more details (hopefully to lead into a sequel story one day), and I hope you bear with me - and like it!  THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has kept reading!!  Please keep the comments coming, and don't forget to hit that little star in the corner to vote!  Enjoy!!


Ben felt Rey's excitement spike as he guided the shuttle into Naboo's atmosphere.   He glanced over at her with a smile, watching her take in the planet once again, seeing it for the second time.

"I really do love this planet."  He heard her say on a sigh.   "Its just so beautiful.  And even though I've only been here once, it just feels like coming home."

"I'm sorry we couldn't build the Center here."  He mentioned regretfully.  "Naboo maintains their autonomy and I don't think they would've even considered it."

She looked over at him in horror.   "I'm actually glad you didn't.  It just wouldn't seem right to have the First Order touch this beautiful place."

His eyes narrowed, giving her a sideways glance.  "What does that mean?"

Raising a brow at him, she just smirked, before drolly asking.  "Really, Ben?"  He continued to look at her askance, and she rolled her eyes.  "How many planets are the First Order involved with that actually maintain their autonomy and integrity?"

He thought about it for a minute before mumbling.  "Fair enough."  His gaze flicked back to her briefly.   "But – I'm trying to change that."

"I know."  She told him softly, and reached out to grab his arm, giving it a light squeeze before turning her attention back to the front window.

Rey was once again marveling at the beauty that she could see below her as they descended towards Theed.  To her, the splendor was simply spectacular without being over the top or ostentatious.

She was so excited to be returning to Naboo, and was absolutely thrilled that their wedding day was finally almost here.  She'd be marrying Ben tomorrow, and would finally be part of a family – their own family.  However, she felt oddly nervous too, but had no idea why.   As far as she knew, everything was ready.  She hadn't really done much to prepare for the event - everyone else had insisted that they could take care of it all.  She hadn't even had Ben's gift made – Leia had taken care of that for her.

In truth, she felt a little bad about it, but when she'd mentioned it to Ben a few days ago, he'd told her not to worry.  He'd just wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead, telling her gently.  "Sweetheart.   It's your – our – ceremony.  You can do anything you want.  Change anything you want."

Shaking her head, she admitted.   "I...I've never been to a marriage ceremony, so, I really don't know....I just feel like everyone is going though so much trouble."  She bit her lip, uncertainty written on her face.

"Its fine – trust me.   Its supposed to be a party to celebrate our special day, and my Mother has everything under control.  If you're worried about anything, just talk to her, okay?"

When she'd met with Leia on the base that day, she'd set Rey's mind at ease by going though all of the details with her, and let her know that it really wasn't that much work.  She'd even told Rey about another Alderaanian marriage custom - the exchange of wedding rings - and had asked if Rey would want a simple band made for Ben.  Looking at the ring that he'd given her as an engagement gift, she figured that he'd likely follow the custom and probably give her another ring for the marriage, and decided that she wanted to do the same.

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