Chapter 59 - Taken

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A/N - Hello all you Reylo Lovelies out there!  Just a bit of forewarning - this is a non-Reylo chapter (sorry)!  We're really coming up on the end now (I think only 2 chapters plus Epilogue left...).   We need some drama to finish things off... so, here we go!  Thanks to everyone who has continued to read  and comment - you really do make my day!  Please send more comments my way, and please remember to hit that little star to vote if you like it!  Enjoy!


Ben's panic spiked at the shot of fear and adrenaline he'd felt from Rey – followed by the terrifying sound of nothing at all.  After she'd nudged him to let him know that something wasn't right, he'd been relieved to hear that she was already on her way back home.  But suddenly, everything had gone quiet.  She'd been mid-sentence when he'd felt her fear, and then - nothing.

His mind went blank for a few seconds, his brain unable to comprehend that something must have happened to her, when his comm link started to ring.  A feeling of fear – of sheer and utter panic crawled up his spine.  Ripping it off his belt, he plugged it into the holo unit in the conference room and slammed his hand down to activate the call.   Vicrul Ren – whom he hadn't had contact with in more than 2 months - was kneeling before him on the holo, and he immediately knew it was all connected.  "Vicrul.   What have you found?"

"Master.  Vitka has finally surfaced."  He said, with his head still bowed.

Ben had literally stopped breathing at those words.  Vitka.  He'd almost forgotten about her. Almost.  But he'd just known that she'd been out there, biding her time, plotting.  Waiting for a moment of inattention to strike.  His gut clenched, and it took everything in him not to vomit on the floor.  She had Rey.  He knew she did.  And Vitka wasn't one to delay her revenge.  Every second counted.  He had to get her back, now!

He hit the link to the communications center.  "Yes, Supreme –"

"Find the shuttle Artemis, NOW!"  He bellowed.

"Yes, sir.  We're locating her now."  The seconds ticked by in silence, causing Ben's hands to begin to shake.  Clenching his fists, he tried to take measured breaths, resisting the urge to lash out and destroy something – anything – in the room, but terror was starting to take over.  "One moment, Sir.  We're having some trouble locating her."

No........ He felt a painful constriction in his chest.

The communications technician came back onto the line.  "Sir.  Um.  The Artemis seems to have disappeared from our system."

"Fuck!"  He screamed.   "Keep looking!  Find her last known trajectory.  It left the Resistance base on Dantooine not long ago!"

He took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind, now muddled and numb, to keep fear and panic from taking over.  She wasn't gone, she wasn't gone.... He had to think.   Rey needed him to think!  Turning back to the holo, he spoke to Vicrul.   "She has her.  She took her Vicrul!  I need you to tell me everything you know - NOW!"

Vicrul responded immediately, without hesitation.   "Ap'lek contacted me, Master.  She found him, and asked for his help in..... gaining revenge on you for betraying the Knights.  It sounded like she wanted to bring all of us back together.  He refused, but believes that she also contacted the others."

Ben began to shake in rage.   If the others helped her, it would mean their deaths, as well as Vitka's.   "We have to find her Vicrul.   Time is of the essence.  You know Vitka."

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