Chapter 21 (M+E) - Insatiable

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A/N - Hi everyone!  I hope you're enjoying the story so far!  This chapter also contains a fair bit of mature content, so if you don't like smut, skip way down to the  ******SMUT FREE ZONE STARTS HERE********* There's some good stuff after that.  As always please vote and comment if you like or love it.  So far, my journey in this story has been a blast!  Thanks to all for continuing to read!


Ben woke sometime in the middle of the night to find Rey completely wrapped around him.  She was in the same position as the last time she rolled into him during their nighttime Force connection, with her arm wrapped securely around his torso, and her leg thrown over his hips. They were both still completely naked.  He looked over at her and smiled to see her hair covering her face.  He moved it gently out of the way, and gave her a soft kiss on her parted lips.

He couldn't help but marvel over everything that had occurred between them.  His chest constricted with all that he was feeling – she was everything – he had to make sure she stayed safe.  Now more than ever he so desperately wanted his vision to come true – he wanted them to have a future together, a family.   His breath shuddered out of his chest, knowing that he was crazy to even dream of that happening.  He didn't know exactly what it would look like, but he would do anything to make sure it came true.

This beautiful, strong, compassionate woman had chosen him.  Shown him patience, tender regard, and fiery passion.  He still wasn't sure that what she felt for him was love, but it no longer mattered.  He would give her everything, do anything for her.  She would have no choice but to love him.

Reaching over he softly ran his hand up and down her arm, marveling at the sheer wonder of her.  He would never tire of just watching her, just being beside her.  Feeling her close by.  She shifted in her sleep, and he used his other hand to rub her back, slowly moving lower to rub her bottom in circles.  She made a quiet moaning sound and he instantly hardened.

He blew out a breath.   He wanted her again.  But would it hurt her?  Would she be sore after their first time?   He leaned over and kissed her softly, almost nibbling at her lips.   The hand that was stroking her arm moved up to caress her cheek, then smoothed its way down to settle on her breast.  He gently stroked her, and felt her nipple peak.   Hearing her breathing change, he continued his quiet seduction, moving his hand lower over her belly and then beyond to very gently stroke the space between the thigh she had thrown over him.  A small sound escaped from her throat, and he smiled.

Suddenly, she rolled away from him, with her back facing him.  Grimacing, he wondered if she was awake, and trying to deter him.  Listening carefully, her breathing was steady and even, so he figured that she was probably still asleep.   Smirking, he decided he'd just have to wake her up, very pleasantly.

Scooting closer to her, he moved her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck gently, while running his hand down her side, from shoulder to hip, stopping to caress her bottom again.  She squirmed slightly.  Slowly, he reached around to the front of her and began caressing her breasts once again, paying attention to her nipples.  Leaning forward, he placed a small bite on her shoulder, which finally seemed to wake her up.

She breathed deeply and moved her arm behind her, capturing his head in her hand.   "Ben?"

"Mmm hmm."  He replied, kissing her neck and down to her shoulder again.

"What are you doing?"  She asked sleepily.

He pressed his erection against her bottom, and moved his hand down from her breast to gently explore between her legs, causing her to sigh softly.  "What does it feel like I'm doing?"  He whispered huskily.

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