Chapter 41 - Missions

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A/N - Hi Lovelies!  WOW!!!  3k IN VIEWS!!  Thank you so very much to all who have stuck with me, and all of the love and encouragement you've given.  Special shout outs to  @rainyday0307 @brhr14 @rose20811 and  @michellechill66 for their continued comments and banter!!  The pieces of the puzzle are hopefully starting to come together now!  We're not quite in the home stretch yet... but we're definitely on approach!  Please continue to send me your comments, reactions and thoughts - I really do love them!  And please don't forget to vote!  Thank you to all! 


Rey awoke feeling well rested, and ready to face the day.   She could feel Ben's arms still wrapped around her, his leg thrown over hers, completely enveloping her.  Smiling, she thought to herself, I love waking up in his arms like this.  It took her a minute however, to remember that she wasn't actually on the Finalizer any longer – that she had gone to him through the bond last night, after the campfire.  And the bond had held throughout the night.  Joy blossomed in her chest, as she rolled over to face him.  His eyes started to open as he felt her moving within the circle of his arms.   She leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss, a happy secret smile on her face.  "Good morning."  She whispered.

"Good morning."  He smiled back.  She just kept grinning at him for a full minute before it dawned on him too, his sleepy expression turning into joyful awe.   "Wait!  You're still here!"  She nodded happily, and he pulled her to him, hugging her tightly.   "Wow.  I guess its still getting stronger."

"Maybe."  She told him, rolling away from him.   "I should go case anyone comes looking for me if I miss breakfast."

Kylo rolled closer to her and pressed his hips against her backside as he kissed the back of her neck.   "Do you really have to leave so soon?"  He whispered.

"Ben!"   Her voice sounded indignant, but he could feel her resolve weakening, as he rubbed his hardening length against her.  He continued to kiss down to her shoulder, and scraped his teeth over it.  He knew she liked that, and could feel her answering shiver in response.

"What?  I'm just feeling happy that the bond stayed open all night."  He cajoled as he continued to place teasing kisses along the back of her neck.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she arched back against him.   "Oh, I see.  That's the reason you're trying to seduce me?"

She could feel a chuckle rumble through him as his hands started to wander over her body, finding dampness between her legs as he slipped one hand into her panties and gently stroked her.  The other hand was easing them over her hips, raising his leg and using his foot to slide them off completely.  She inhaled sharply and her head fell back onto his shoulder with a soft moan.  He continued kissing her neck and shoulder while he quickly removed his sleep pants and underwear.   Rubbing himself against her, he let out a deep groan, moving her leg forward slightly.    "Sweetheart?"   He asked quietly, positioning himself at her entrance.

Whimpering, she replied, her voice husky.  "You already know the answer."

Of course he knew the answer, but he couldn't help making her admit it after her weak protests.   Smiling, he ran his hands back up her body and began to slide into her.


Kylo stood in front of his closet, finishing getting dressed after his shower.  Rey had already "left" to go back to the Resistance Base.   It took them both a few minutes to figure out how to disconnect the bond at will, but eventually it worked, and she disappeared from where she was sitting beside him on the bed.

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