Chapter 17 - Preparations

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The next morning, Rey awoke to bright sunshine and a feeling of happiness.  She stretched languidly and glanced beside her.    It was only her in the small bed now, but she remembered how close she and Ben were snuggled last night, and how it felt to have his arms around her.  She had slept peacefully, and for once couldn't recall having any dreams whatsoever.   She had no idea how long the bond had stayed connected, but had obviously been asleep when it disconnected.  Hopefully Ben had been peacefully asleep too.

His confessions about constant nightmares made her sad.  She knew that she calmed him and made him simply more peaceful.  There were definitely flashes of Kylo Ren now and again, but that was simply him now – two halves of his whole.  As long as the Kylo Ren half wasn't a murderous monster anymore, she could live with that.

The thought shocked her.  Was she just getting used to the fact that he was Kylo Ren, and fooling herself into thinking that he had changed?  Or had he really been changing?  She closed her eyes and thought about it.   No – she wasn't fooling herself - he really had been changing, really seemed to be trying to do so.  Was it for her?  That thought made her smile.  But she knew that for change to be lasting, he had to do it for himself.

She had no idea if or how they were going to ever be together beyond this, but if the Force meant them to be together, and the bond allowed them to continue to get to know each other better, spend their nights together and gave him some peaceful sleep, then maybe – just maybe – they could figure this out.  The Future.

She sighed.  Ok, enough thinking.  It was time to get out of bed and go talk to Leia.


The first thing Kylo did when he left his chambers that morning was to seek out Hux.  He had to find out if they'd be attacking the Resistance base on Lothal today.  He sighed heavily.  How could he be the Supreme Leader and feel like he simply had no control over this situation?  He clenched his fists in frustration.  He needed to be very careful with this – or he could lose both Rey and the First Order at the same time.

Once Kylo tracked Hux down, he wasted no time.  "General.  I'd like an update on both the Vandorian negotiations and the location of the Resistance."

Hux turned to look at him, his typical sneer on his face.   "There are no real updates on the Vandorian front, but I am told that things may only seem to be going well."  He frowned at Kylo. "Perhaps if we just – "

Kylo cut him off  "Give it another couple of days General.   If negotiations are still stalled, then you can bring in your troops."

"Yes sir."  Hux's face was stone.

But a malicious smile then appeared.  "In terms of the Resistance, we have confirmed that they are indeed on Lothal.  I have ordered our troops to begin preparations for our attack and invasion."

Kylo's face was impassive, but his stomach clenched and inwardly he was a jumble of emotions. He had to give Rey more time.  "General – you will do no such thing without first briefing me, and the rest of the Generals who will be involved in the attack!   I want everyone in the main conference room in 1 standard hour and we will discuss our plans."

Hux sputtered, clearly taken aback. "But...why?  This battle is MY responsibility!   I do not need the permission and opinions of the other officers to complete it!  Snoke NEVER required this!!  Or do you have another reason for not allowing this to proceed?"  he sneered at Kylo.

Kylo leaned over intimidatingly and stuck his face right in Hux's.   He spoke very quietly, but there was no mistaking how serious he was.  "Maybe that has been the problem General.   I'm starting to see that you have too much freedom in terms of your decisions regarding such attacks.  How many times have you chased them down, only to fail at eliminating them completely?"  Kylo continued.  "I will remind you again, that Snoke is dead, and that this is not going to be the same First Order that he ruled.  Assemble the officers in 1 standard hour and we will discuss it.   Do not make me repeat it!"

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