Chapter 47 - Repercussions

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A/N - Hello my little Reylos!  I hope you liked the last chapter!  I know it was scary - but like I said - just breathe.  Unfortunately, the heartache isn't quite over yet.... so, sorry.  These two both need to grow a little bit more.  Thanks again - SO MUCH - to everyone who has been reading and sharing your feedback.  Your responses have been totally awesome, and I love reading them!  I hope you enjoy this one too!   Please leave me some love, quips and snarky comments!  And please don't forget to vote!  Thanks again!!


Two days.  It had been two whole days since he had heard from her.   He'd been desperately trying to reach out to her through the bond, yet there was no response.   She'd sealed it shut.  It wasn't like when she was being held on Corellia – at least then he could feel little jolts of fear now and then, and had known that something was wrong.  But this time there was just – nothing.  The knot in their tether was tied tightly.   As always, he could still feel her Force Signature - muddied like it had been for the last little while – but her mind and presence were completely cut off from him.  He hated the feeling of not hearing her in his head, not feeling her in his very being.  Not knowing where she was.   Not knowing if she was okay.

He sighed heavily.  This was bad.  Very, very bad. She hadn't even given him the chance to speak with her.   To explain.  Realization was slowly dawning on him, and with it a feeling of terror and impending doom.  His breath shuddered out of his chest.  She thinks I did this.

From the moment it happened, he'd had a feeling of inevitability about it all – and with it a nagging fear and a tightness in his chest that wouldn't go away.  Now, understanding that Rey likely believed that he was behind the attack, the pressure in his chest increased tenfold.   He began to feel sick.  He could lose her over this.  His breathing became erratic and he began to hyperventilate.  No!  He would not let that happen!  He had to go to the Resistance Base to speak to her.  Today.  Now.


Hostile gazes were focused on the landing pad as a First Order shuttle touched down on the Resistance Base for the third time in a week.   One would think it was almost becoming a normal occurrence, yet a small crowd still gathered.  Kylo walked down the ramp, dressed in his casual attire – black trousers and a simple black tunic.  He hadn't wanted them to see him as the frightening Kylo Ren for this particular visit.

When he got to the bottom of the ramp, he noticed that Finn stood not far away, a blaster pointed directly at him.  "What in the hell are you doing here?"

Kylo raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.   "I just need to talk to Rey."

"Really?"   Finn smirked.  "Do you honestly think she wants to talk to you after you blew up yet another planet?  Took another few billion lives?  What, the Hosnian System wasn't enough for you?"

He kept his hands extended, so everyone could see them.  "Finn, please –"

"She's not here."  Finn cut him off before he could go on.

His heart dropped into his stomach.  "Where is she?"

"I'm happy to tell you I have no idea."  He said with a smirk, which caused Kylo to growl.  "She left in the middle of the night.  Didn't tell anyone where she was going.  I'm guessing that it was to get the hell away from you!"

The breath huffed out of his lungs, and his mind spun at a hundred miles a minute.  He stilled his rioting thoughts in attempt to think clearly.   "Okay.   Then I need to see my Mother, please."  He asked calmly.

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