Chapter 34 - Cat and Mouse

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A/N - Second of two chappies for you all tonight! This one was a lot of fun to write, but there's still much more story to tell!  Enjoy, my Reylo Lovelies!  Please vote and comment!  Thank you to all for reading!  It means so much to me!  


Vitka stormed through the corridors of the Finalizer, barely able to contain her rage and frustration.  Upon hearing that the Supreme Leader was the victim of an assassination attempt – and had barely survived, she concluded her business on Yavin-4 and made her way back to the Finalizer to see him for herself.

Upon arriving, she was bombarded with stories about the Jedi Girl who had saved not only his life, but the life of the three First Order Officers that were with him.  And not only that, they were saying that the Supreme Leader had made her his, and that they were staying together in his quarters.

Vitka seethed – overwhelming jealously coursing through her.  If this were true, it would explain his edict for the Knights not to hurt the girl.  He had wanted the girl this whole time!  Despite the fact that Kylo had never once made any advances toward her, Vitka felt as if she had been played for a fool.

Vitka had dreamed of being the 2nd in command, and of leading by Kylo's side – as well as in his bed.  But it was not too late.  This little mouse would not usurp her – would not take everything she had worked so hard for, away, in the blink of an eye.  She was on the hunt.  She knew the Jedi Girl was still on board, and when she found her....


Rey made her way through the halls of the ship with Lt.Tiga by her side.  After visiting so many different decks and places on board, she was starting to get an idea of how big the ship actually was.   The sheer number of canteens they passed was mind boggling.

"And how many staff are on board?"  She asked him.

"It varies.  It can range from between 15,000 – 23,000 depending on the number of Troopers on board – and that depends upon whether we're on any special missions, etc."  He paused.  "But the Ascendancy – our new flagship – will staff up to 40,000!"  He told her excitedly.   "Its positively gigantic!  But sleeker, faster and more modern than this ship."

Rey remembered Ben briefly mentioning something about the new ship.

"But, I saved the absolute best area of the ship for last."  He gushed.  "We have a huge entertainment complex complete with a 4D video theater, a games center and a PIF facility.  Wait till you see it – it'll blow your mind!"

She laughed at his excited enthusiasm.  "Sorry, but what exactly is a PIF facility?"

"Oh, sorry!  It's a Personal Immersive Fantasy system.   You go in, and program a fantasy that you'd like to experience – say, atmospheric diving – and you get to live it! Its pretty amazing."

His excitement was actually amusing to watch.  "Wow, that actually does sound pretty amazing!  Sure, I'd love to see the entertainment – "

"Hello little mouse."  A patronizing, smooth as silk voice sing-songed nearby.  Rey turned to see a Knight of Ren standing closely behind her.  "So, we meet again little mouse."

Rey's eyes widened as she recognized the female Knight that had been on Onderon.   Her expression softened, and she began to explain.  "About that...".

"No need to explain."  The Knight continued to sing song.  "I see you're no longer running from the First Order."  The Knight removed her helmet to reveal a relatively pretty female with almost snow white skin, and midnight black long hair.   Her eyes were the brightest, most vivid shade of blue that Rey had ever seen.   She was almost captivated by them, to the extent that she nearly missed what the Knight said next.  "But, perhaps you should be."  She droned out in a low voice.

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