Chapter 19 - Together

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A/N - Second of two chappies tonight!!  Enjoy!  The really good stuff is just around the corner.....


Kylo contacted the command crew on the Finalizer and let them know that he would be returning sometime tomorrow.  Hux would probably have a field day with that, but he'd deal with him when he returned.  First, he needed to get Rey's leg set, and take her to the new Resistance base.  He sighed.  They're going to love that.

His head snapped up.   Unless Chewie came back for her later today.  He needed to ask her.  They hadn't really been together in months, and he felt like he was going to be robbed of this opportunity.  He ran his hands through his hair.  Would she want that?  He thought she might, but his doubts began to creep in....

No, he would not be deprived of her presence.  He would simply tell her to ask Chewie not to come back until tomorrow.  She'd want that too, wouldn't she?  That would give them a little time together.  Did she have her communicator?  Or did she leave it in the rubble?  Then he remembered – the box with the Jedi texts.  He decided to go back and get it before it got dark. Finding it easily, he returned to the ship with it in short order.   He didn't find a communicator, and so assumed Rey still had it.

Wanting to be more comfortable, he went to his quarters and changed out of his battle clothing. Then went back to the med-bay to check on Rey.

She was now sitting up on the table, with her legs dangling over the side.  One of her pant legs had been cut, and there was an odd looking sleeve on her right leg.  The droid began updating him as soon as he walked in. "Sir, the patient is a 21 year old female, in good health.  Vitals are stable.   She has a minor fracture in the lower right fibula, which has been stabilized.  Patient has been given a dose of bone-mend to reduce pain and speed the healing process."

Rey looked over at him and rolled her eyes. "See, I told you I was fine.  It's almost nothing."

"Yes, but without treatment, could you have walked on that nothing?"  He said, poking back at her.

"I probably could have managed with enough time."  She grumbled.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Rey, is Chewie coming back for you tonight?"

"I'm not sure."  She waited before asking hesitantly.   "Should he?"

He looked at her, and tried to keep any emotion from his face, replying in a neutral tone.  "It's up to you.  I told the crew that I'd return tomorrow."

She looked down at the floor and bit her lip.  He tried not to focus on that lip.   He wanted to suck on it.  He closed his eyes and tried to calm his suddenly erratic breathing.  She looked back up at him shyly, and quietly asked.   "Do you want me to stay?"

He let out the breath that he hadn't realized he was holding.  "More than anything."

She smiled at him and held out her arms.  "Can you help me down?"  He gently lifted her down off the table, but didn't take his arms from around her.   He gazed down at her, and she stared back at him. "I need to contact Chewie so he knows I'm okay, and not to come back till tomorrow."  He didn't move. "And if you have any food, that would be great because I'm starving.  I kind of forgot to eat today, with everything going on.....".

He was still caught in her eyes, and simply couldn't wait any longer.  He leaned down and kissed her gently.  She quickly wound her arms around his neck, and pressed herself against him.  It was almost as if fire ignited between them.   Everything seemed more intense now that they were actually in the same place, and didn't have to worry about the bond ending unexpectedly. Every touch, every kiss, every sound.  It wasn't long before they were frantic for each other – nipping at each other's lips and neck, tugging at each other's hair.  His erection was already throbbing, and he pressed it against her, causing her to shiver, and him to moan.  Her teeth scraped along his neck, and he moaned again.

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