Chapter 58 - Overwhelmed (M+E)

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A/N - Hi there all you Reylo Lovelies!  Happy New Year!!  This is another longer chapter for you - another two for one!  I needed to move the story along, but it felt a bit boring, so I added in a bit of fluff.....which led to some smut 😜 (The smutty section is marked) I truly hope you enjoy!  I can't adequately express my thanks to everyone who has continued reading, and providing their feedback.  It makes it all so very special.  As always, please drop me some comments, and don't forget to vote!  I really appreciate it!  Happy reading!


Approximately 4 months later

Rey raced across the grounds of the newly commissioned First Order Galactic Center, munching on a piece of toasted bread with some cheese.  She was late.  She was supposed to meet with Amala and General Varda to go over the final details of their visit to Ithor in 2 days, and then a couple of hours after that a Queen from some barely-civilized planet was arriving to discuss a proposal for an enhanced relationship with the First Order.   But unfortunately, she'd overslept.

It seemed that these days she slept longer and longer as her pregnancy became more advanced.   She had approximately 1 more month to go, her rounded belly now very pronounced, and she always seemed to get tired after the smallest bit of exertion.   She couldn't even train anymore.

Ben definitely wasn't helping – leaving her to sleep in every morning – making her late whenever she had an early meeting, just like today.  Now she waddled across the base at her top speed, hoping that she wouldn't be too tired to be able to focus on the meeting once she got there.  She was already 15 minutes late – and counting.

She had to admit, if anyone had told her just 8 months ago that one day in the not so distant future she'd be married to the Supreme Leader of the First Order, living on their new ground base, carrying their child, and be a member of their new Planetary Relations and Conciliation Team, she would have laughed in their face.   Instead, here she was, one of three main members of the team, and she loved it.

Their primary focus was to assist new planets to peacefully join the First Order by working with them to find how each one would best fit in within their current organization.  However, it was also their responsibility to try to go in and repair the relationship where planets had been unhappily or unwillingly assimilated previously, and promote a more cooperative rather than adversarial affiliation.  Because Rey was widely known as being a former Resistance member, the administration of such planets usually took to her almost immediately, which allowed trust between them to be rebuilt very quickly.

And she was also good at it.   Very good.  When Ben had come up with his idea for the team, wanting further change in how the First Order managed the planets they ruled, Rey had quickly warmed to the idea, making all sorts of suggestions as to how to move forward with it.   When he'd suggested her as a part of the team, she jumped at the chance, wanting to fill her time with something worthwhile – something positive.  She saw it as her opportunity to help the First Order – help Ben – advance the Order into something new, into something she could feel better – if not even downright good about.

It also didn't hurt that she was the First Order's Supreme Lady.   While she never let anyone call her that – Lady Rey was as far as she'd go – the fact was widely known, and made the planet's she negotiated with feel important.   They knew that they had the First Order's utmost attention, having the Supreme Leader's wife dealing with their issues and concerns directly.

When the administration building came into sight, she felt a slight nudge against her mind, and responded to him immediately, letting her exasperation bleed through her feelings.   I'm fine, Ben.  Just late.  You really need to stop letting me sleep in.

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