Chapter 44 - Heritage

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A/N - Hi Lovelies!  Wow wow wow!!  I'm so excited that this story has hit 3.5K in reads.  Holy Cow!!  I never expected that!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!  I appreciate your interest and support so very much!!

This new chapter has a little bit of intrigue for you.....and sets up some things for later....  Anyhoo I hope you like it.  Thanks again to all of you who have been following this story - I hope you continue to enjoy what's to come.  Please let me know what you think - and vote if you like it.  Enjoy!!


The next morning, they decided to visit the village near the Naberrie country home.  It was a small, quaint collection of pretty, neat little houses that surrounded a village square.  As was her perception of the rest of the planet so far, Rey was absolutely enchanted.   It was market day, and they were browsing through the stalls, Rey stopping periodically to admire some traditional clothing and jewellery, and chat with the stall owners.  She had admired a pair of brightly coloured matching scarves, made from a soft billowing fabric, that Ben had said was called silk.  "Its so soft!  And it almost floats when the wind blows!"   Ben grinned at her wryly.   "What?"  She asked.

He shook his head in amusement.   "I just didn't take you for someone who liked scarves and things like that."

Narrowing her eyes at him, she replied.   "These would make great arm wraps – which is why I like them."  Leaning closer to him she whispered.  "Besides, lately I've found a need for neck scarves."

His face reddened and he gave her a sheepish grin.  "We'll take these."  He told the stall owner, while Rey smirked back at him smugly.

As they waited for the attendant to wrap up their purchase, out of the corner of her eye Rey caught an older woman staring at her in shock.  When she turned to look at her, the woman smiled and came over to them.  "I'm sorry if I was rude my dear, but I have to say, you are the very image of someone I used to know when I was about your age.   I was wondering if you might be related to her."

Rey smiled back at her, shaking her head.   "I'm sorry, but I'm not from here."

"Oh?   That's too bad.  My name is Marlé.  Where are you from?"  The old woman prodded.

"I'm from Jakku.  My name is Rey."  Finished with their purchase, Ben came over, curious to see who else Rey had befriended now.

The woman put her hand over her heart and her face showed surprise.  "I know I'm being pushy – and I'm sorry."  Pausing briefly, she went on to ask.  "But were you born on Jakku?   I only ask because my friend's name was Reyla – and that just seems like too much of a coincidence."

Ben could feel Rey's sudden, quiet shock and nervousness, and a wave of protectiveness came over him, causing him to interject.  "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"I'm Marlé Solerrie, former staff of the Queen's palace."  She looked him up and down.   "And you are?"

Ben's eyes narrowed at her.   "Ben Solo."   He could feel Rey's smirk through the bond and he turned to give her a sharp look.

"I mean Rey no harm, Ben Solo.  I would just like to get to the bottom of this puzzle.   Her looks are so strikingly similar to my friend, and well, with the name...."

Up until now, Rey had been in a bit of shock, but finally found her voice.  "I...never really knew my parents.   Well, I was very young when I last saw them so I can't really remember them, and don't know anything about my family."  Marlé just looked at her sadly.  "This woman you knew....can you tell me more about her?"

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