Chapter 15 - Discoveries

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A/N - Hello my Reylo lovelies!  Sorry its been a few days since I've posted an update.  I'll try to get two chappies up for you tonight!  We're getting closer.... and warmer... :).  Please vote and feel free to send me some love or comments!


Kylo strode through the doors to the command deck of the Finalizer, having just met with his Generals, minus one Armitage Hux.  Hux's unreported absence was a slight that Kylo would not let go, without at least a reprimand.

Seeing Hux in deep discussion with two lower ranked Officers, he headed over to have a little fun.   "General Hux."  Hux and the officers stiffened upon hearing his name, knowing who it was that was addressing him.  The two other officers quickly snuck away.

"Ah, Supreme Leader, to what do I owe the pleasure?"  Hux crooned falsely.

Trying to stay calm, Kylo just crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.  When Hux remained silent, Kylo spoke.  "I believe you missed our afternoon conference?  Why wasn't I informed of your absence?  Or did you forget?"

"Why Sir, I did no such thing!  I sent a message along with General Peavey to beg pardon for my absence."  Hux's voice was tinged with just enough incredulity to make his assertion suspect.

"Well, if that's true,"  Kylo's response dripped with sarcasm.  "Peavey failed to mention it."

Appearing to be taken aback, Hux's demeanor appeared to register shock. "Sir, I'll make sure I take the issue up with him."

Narrowing his eyes, Kylo was pointed in his response.   "I don't care what you do.  In future, I expect you to attend all meetings unless I have assigned you other duties or are dead – or close to it."  Hux's face turned into a mask of disdain.  "Is that clear General?"

"Of course, Supreme Leader."  Hux mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"Good.  Now, I'd like an update on the negotiations on Vandor-1 as well as the location of the Resistance.  You've had over a week."

Hux's face positively lit up at the Supreme Leader's question.  "Sir, it would appear that the Vandorians may have had a change of heart.  They seem to be falling into line."

"Good.   So no excessive military action will be required?  Hux, you must be crushed."  Kylo couldn't keep the hint of patronization out of his voice.

Hux's face went red.  "Well – the negotiations are still a bit tenuous.  There is still a possibility that more force will be required."

Kylo couldn't help but smirk.  "I see.  And the Resistance?"

This time, it was Hux's turn to smile evilly.  "Well, Sir, that was actually the reason for my absence this afternoon.   I am hunting down a new lead."

"I thought you said they were in the Bissillirus System?"  He said, arching his brow.

"That was a false lead."  grumbled Hux.   "However, we are fairly certain they are on the planet Lothal.  I'm just trying to get confirmation."

Drawing himself up to his full height, Kylo told him.  "General, I expect you to be 100% certain that that is their location before you come to me with a recommendation to attack.  I will not waste battle resources on wild bantha chases."

Clasping his hands behind his back, Hux studied the Supreme Leader briefly, before answering. "Yes, Supreme Leader."

"Dismissed."  Kylo told him, with a curt nod, before Hux turned and strode away.

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