Chapter 20 - Cementing the Bond (M + E)

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A/N - Well folks, we're finally here.... I'm a bit nervous about it, so I hope you like it ;)


WARNING - MATURE AND EXPLICIT CONTENT AHEAD.  While there are some interesting non-adult paragraphs peppered throughout the chapter, if you don't like smut - and I consider this to be explicit (but hopefully tasteful) please skip this chapter.


"Oh Ben..." she whispered, and literally threw herself into his arms and fastened her lips to his. He dragged her onto his lap and crushed her to him, a wave of profound relief sweeping through his very being.  She felt the same way.  He kissed her hungrily – probably too hard – but he couldn't help himself.

His mouth trailed across her jaw and down the curve of her neck.  He found what he thought was a particularly sweet spot – and sucked gently, which drew a loud moan from Rey, and a shudder from him.  His pants were already growing tight with his hardening member.  He felt it throb and ached for her to touch him there.  The thought made him shudder yet again.

He took a deep breath and inhaled her fresh, clean scent, thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her.  He wanted to make her wet with want for him, hear her cry out in pleasure, taste her everywhere....

His hands roamed wherever they could touch – softly stroking and squeezing as they moved; her hair, her shoulders, her sides, and her bare thighs.  He heard a quiet whimper when he touched the bare skin of her thighs.  When they began moving back up to her hips they were slowly easing the bottom of his borrowed tunic up too, his thumbs softly moving up the inside of her thighs toward her center.  He wondered if she was wet for him yet.....his shaft twitched at the thought.

Rey's kisses were just as impatient, her hands just as eager as they combed through his hair and roamed down over his shoulders and his chest, then wound back up to his neck.  She felt his lips on her neck and shivered, which was followed by a loud moan when she felt him begin to suck.

His hands brushed over her exposed thighs and she couldn't stop the soft sound that escaped the back of her throat.  There was so much heat flowing between the two of them tonight!   It began to sit low in her belly, and she felt herself grow damp between her legs.

Then, she felt Ben's hands sliding the material up her thighs, with his hand sliding closer to that part of her that no one had ever before touched.  She panicked and reached out to grab his wrist to stop his progress.  He immediately stopped and brought his hand up to stroke her hair.  "It's okay Rey, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

She brought her thumb up and stroked over his bottom lip, as she gazed softly into his eyes. How could she tell him that she didn't want to stop?  Her whole life almost up until now had been spent alone, with almost no human connection for anything other than survival.  As impossible as their relationship seemed, she had finally found someone whom she felt understood her like no other, and who was connected to her so deeply that she sometimes didn't know where her own feelings ended and where his began.

She wanted this.  She was just so overwhelmed by the newness of everything she was feeling and doing, and was embarrassed about the wetness he would find when he reached the apex of her thighs.  She was pretty sure he'd be able to feel it through her undergarment.

She pulled back from him, her hands stopping on his shoulders, and gazed at the face that had entranced her from the very first time she saw it.  His eyes were heavy lidded, his breathing heavy – almost panting.  She placed a hand on his cheek and looked deeply into his eyes.   "I'm just a little nervous.  This is all new to me, so I'm not sure what to expect, what to do."  She took a deep breath. "But I want this, Ben.  Want you.  Please make love to me, and let me make love to you?"

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