Chapter 24 (M + E) - Tease

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A/N - Hi my Lovelies!  This chapter is a bit smut-filled.  The beginning is more like risque fluff, so I've labelled where the real smut starts.  There is a small section at the end that I've labelled SMUT FREE ZONE STARTS HERE, so skip to that if you would prefer.  I hope you all enjoy it!  Please vote and as always, comments are welcome and appreciated!!  Thank you to everyone who has been reading so far!!   And don't worry, there will be a lot of story-filled chapters sandwiched between a little bit of smut going forward - so please don't give up on me!



Rey hugged Ben tight, her face pressed against his chest, as she admitted.  "I've never really had a home.  Well, my AT-AT back on Jakku was technically my home, but it really was just a shelter that I turned into somewhat of a home."  She was quiet for a bit before she said.  "I think, that maybe, I would consider my home to be wherever you are, if we're together."

His heart once again went out to this beautiful woman who couldn't recall having a home.   How could she have turned out so good - so purely light - after all she had been through?  If she let him, he would spend the rest of his life making her happy, and give her the home and family she so deserved.

He wrapped her in an even tighter hug and propped his chin on the top of her head, whispering. "Me too Sweetheart.   Me too."

His heart had melted at her soft confession, and he leaned down to kiss her with everything he had in him, wanting her to understand his feelings, so she would know exactly what she meant to him, what she was to him.

She kissed him back with equal fervor, trying to wash away any of his doubts about her feelings for him, and to show him how much she wanted to be with him.  Looking up at him shyly, she also told him.  "When I was at the MedBay I also asked the Doctor about contraceptives."

Ben's face and ears tinged red at that, and he became uncharacteristically tongue-tied.  "Oh. Um. Yeah. That's probably a good idea.  I'm stupid for not thinking of it earlier..."  He took a deep breath.  "So.... Its all, taken care of?"  He asked sheepishly.

"Not quite yet."  She paused.  "I have to wait for the first day of my cycle, and I'm not sure when that is – long story generally related to starvation and water deprivation – so I'll have to go back."

His face and ears went positively scarlet at her last admission, and Rey couldn't help but roll her eyes and giggle softly.  " was your day?"  She asked quietly.

"Long."  He sighed out, but smiled.  "All day I kept having to push all thoughts of you from my mind, but you kept creeping back in."

Rey blushed.  "Me too."  She smiled back at him.  "But I didn't push them out – I had to keep telling myself not to blush though."  Looking at him, perplexed she asked.  "Why did you not want to think of me?"

He leaned over and whispered into her ear.  "Because if I had allowed myself to think about you, I would have been hard all day."

Rey shivered and blushed deep red, as she looked down at the floor, smiling shyly.  "Ben..."

He tipped her chin up and drew her closer for a kiss.  "That embarrasses you?"  He asked her huskily, giving her a soft kiss, and staring at her in a way that was making her melt. "To know that I find it difficult not to think of you?  And what it does to me when I do?"

She began to squirm uncomfortably in his arms.  "It...I just...."  She looked away again, and back up at him, deciding to fight fire with a little fire of her own.  Reaching up on her tip toes, she shyly whispered quietly in his ear.  "I got wet a few times today when I thought of you."

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