Chapter 30 - Recovery

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A/N - Hello my Reylo Lovelies!  Another chapter for you!  I can't believe we're at 30 chapters already!!  This one is smut free, but get ready b/c the next one won't be 😘.  I hope you enjoy!  Please remember to vote and share any comments or reactions you have!


On Kylo's third day in the MedBay, the doctors removed his leg cast.  Because of the extent of the pins in his left arm though, the arm cast would have to stay on for another day or two.   The bacta patches on his head and face were changed daily, and there were now fewer bandages on his head, so you could see a lot more of him.  Today the nurses let Rey watch while they did it, and she was pleased to tell him that the scars from the burns on his face weren't really that obvious.  "They've healed well, and are a little pink, but I'm sure they'll fade to the point where you'll barely notice them."

His eyes flicked up to her, while giving a small nod, and she could feel a sense of relief wash over her through the bond.  The corner of her mouth tilted up as she teased him.   "I never would have guessed that you would be overly concerned about your looks."

Pressing his lips together, he hissed.  "I'm not! I just don't want to look like a...."  He didn't finish, turning his head away.

She wrinkled her brows, trying to figure out what he was going to say.  When it dawned on her, she gasped.  "No!  Ben..."  She reached over and stroked the right side of his face, before whispering furiously.  "You do not look like a monster!"  Those words uttered so long ago would probably haunt her forever.  "I already told you – it wouldn't matter if they were hideous – I'd still love you and want you more than you could ever possibly imagine."

At her last declaration, something flickered in his eyes, before they darkened.  "So, you want me, do you?"

Her gaze turned warm as she brought herself closer to kiss him, whispering seductively.  "Every minute of every day."  She could hear his sharp inhale, and grinned warmly as he tried to wrap his good arm around her to pull her closer.  "Now, now, none of that."  She told him, swatting his arm away lightly.  "This is not the time or the place."  But she leaned closer to whisper in his ear.  "Once you're well enough though...."  He growled as she danced just out of his reach.

Huffing out a breath, he held out a hand to her, and she entwined her fingers with his.  "I'm tired of being in this bed.  There is a massive amount of work waiting for me, and everyone keeps telling me to rest.  I'm going to go crazy if I have to stay like this for another couple of days!"

Rey shook her head at him.  "First of all, you do need rest.  You almost died!  And so help me if you roll your eyes at me I'll hurt you enough to keep you in this bed for yet another 2 days!"  His eyes widened with shock.  "Secondly, you are going for physio today so you will get to leave this bed.  And lastly – if there is anything you are truly needed for, I'm sure Pride will come to you.  So, please Ben, rest while you can!"

Duly chastised, she could see the corner of his lip twitch, before turning up ever so slightly. "What?"  She asked.

His lips broke into a hint of grin.  "You do realize that you are the only person who would dare speak to me like that, right?"

"Maybe that's the problem.  Everyone's so scared of the Supreme Leader they wouldn't dare!"  She mocked.

"Rey, do I need to remind you that there's a good reason that they're scared?   I like it that way!  A little healthy fear helps them to respect the chain of command."

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