Chapter 54 - Forward Movements

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A/N - Hello all my little Reylo Lovelies!  Sorry for the slightly extra long gap between updates.  Its been a busy week, combined with a bit of writers block.  This is a bit of a filler chapter, but there are some important plot points in here - so I hope its not too boring!  There's still lots of Reylo goodness to enjoy though! We're coming up to the big day...slowly but surely.   I hope you like it!  Please, please, please comment and/or send your thoughts and reactions, and don't forget to vote!  Enjoy!


The ceremony to accept the Ascendancy into the First Order as her flagship was full of the pomp and circumstance that would be expected for such an auspicious occasion.  Afterwards, as Rey walked through the ship with the Supreme Leader, her head was still spinning as she looked in every direction, overwhelmed with the sheer size of it all.   This ship was huge!

While nothing on the Finalizer had ever looked aged or worn, there was just something about the Ascendancy that looked not only new, but comfortable.  She recalled joking with Ben about his command shuttle – how it looked so sterile.   The same could not be said of the Ascendancy.    Yes, everything was functional and huge, but it also felt – livable, somehow.

Ben was like a child with a new toy.  She could see and feel his eagerness to explore his new flagship, as he was also looking around with a little bit of awe in his eyes.   As they walked through the corridors, he'd periodically stop to take a closer look at something, explaining why it was a vast improvement over the Finalizer.  She just watched him, quietly smirking at his enjoyment and enthusiasm, happy that he seemed to derive such pleasure from it.

Shortly after the ceremony, Ben showed her to their new living quarters, which were located on a separate deck, complete will full security of course.  Only herself and Ben, as well as selected Troopers could even access the level.  Similar to the Finalizer, there would always be two Troopers stationed outside of their door.  While this bothered her a bit – it felt like an invasion of privacy – she understood the need for the security and would just have to get used to it and accept it going forward.  She guessed that it would likely be the same at their new house when they moved to Yavin 4.

Given that it was their first day on the ship, Ben had a number of meetings and tasks to attend to as Supreme Leader, and so with an apology and a brief kiss left her to explore their new suite and the rest of the ship at her leisure.  Their belongings had already been transferred over earlier in the day, so that left her with almost nothing to do except investigate her new short-term home.

Feeling her stomach rumble, she decided to start with the kitchen.  Wandering to the large fridge, she found it to be fully stocked, and noted some cheeses and a container of small, bright red, round fruits that looked like they'd be tasty.  Grabbing both, she popped one of the red fruits into her mouth and smiled.  They were good.   Taking a bite of the cheese, she smiled again.  Mmmmm.

Looking around the room, she shrugged.  It's a kitchen.  She thought.  Sure, it was bigger and fancier than the one they'd had before, but neither of them actually prepared any food, so, as far as she was concerned, as long as the fridge was kept full, one was as good as another.

Walking into the main living area, she smiled.   It was definitely much larger than their room on the Finalizer – and was certainly much more than the two of them needed.   A dining area with 6 chairs was tucked into the corner of the room.  She wasn't sure when they'd ever need that many chairs, but it appeared to be intended for them to invite guests.  Next was the lounge area, with two large sofas, two comfortable looking chairs and a videoscreen that covered almost the entire wall.

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