47 - Lily

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I rolled over in bed, my hand absent mindedly reaching for my boyfriend. I whimpered slightly when I instead came in contact with the bed sheets. The shop has only been getting more and more popular. I shouldn't be surprised that George wanted to get an early start on his day.

My clothes from yesterday were still strewn across the floor. They served as a pretty wicked testament to how excited George was after such a successful day's work. I moved around the room picking up the loose articles of clothing, shaking my head as I encountered my favorite blouse. The buttons were ripped from the fabric when he had fervently tried to tear it off of me. In his words, he thought it would be romantic. I wouldn't call it romantic but even the memory of his actions has my heart skipping a beat. Even if it was my favorite top.

"Good morning, darling." His voice called from behind me.

I turned to face where he had entered the room and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. He was walking towards his dresser wearing only a towel. It hung dangerously low on his hips and his muscular body was still dripping from his shower. I tried not to stare but the man was practically throwing it in my face.

"If you're going to gawk I think we need to make it an even playing field." George taunted while a cocky grin spread across his face. His eyes traveled down my body before he leaned forward to delicately lift the strap of my tank top to my shoulder where it belonged. His teasingly light touch caused goosebumps to erupt all over my skin. "I do like these teeny jammies you've got on...but I prefer the whole show."

I rolled my eyes and quickly left the room. If I stayed any longer we would be at least an hour late for work. And while that does sound tempting, it's a little early on to abandon Fred in the shop by himself.

"Where are ya going?" George protested as I dipped into the small bathroom.

"I'm taking a shower, dingus." I bit back a grin, turning the faucet to my desired temperature. With the thoughts that are running through my head I should take a cold one.

"We could've saved water!" He walked back into the bathroom. "Unless?" He rose his eyebrows.

"Go get ready for work, Georgie." I smirked as I closed the door on him. Of course I could hear him grumbling the rest of the way back to our room.

I slipped out of my pajamas and stepped into the warm water. I couldn't help the content sigh that escaped. This life is pretty perfect right now. Yesterday, I got to fall asleep next to the man I love after an entire day of watching him live out his dream. And now I get to do it all again today.

I smiled to myself as I shampooed the long hair that desperately needed to be cut. The strands fall almost down to my waist and were getting to be a bit hard to manage. The bathroom door once again opened, interrupting my thoughts. "George...I said no." I shouted over the sound of the running water. Why didn't I lock the door when I kicked him out the first time?

"I appreciate hearing that you told him no for once, but you've got the wrong man." I heard Fred laughing from the other side of the curtain.

"Fred! Get out!" I gasped, instinctively covering up my body. Even though we were separated by a thick shower curtain.

"I won't look!" He protested. "I just need to brush my teeth."

I hesitated for a moment, considering it. "Fine. But if you take so much as a peek I'm coming out there and beating you black and blue." I threatened.

"I promise, I promise." He laughed. "Though I think George would beat you to it."

I shrugged and nodded my head. He's got a point there. I listened as he brushed his teeth, making sure there was no moment of silence where he might be planning to mess with me. I should've known better than to expect any privacy living with these two. After a minute, I heard him shut the door behind him. I did make sure to double check that he hadn't been trying to trick me before stepping out of the shower.

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