55 - Astronomy Tower

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I looked around the office, crowded with various magical possessions. I hadn't spent much time up here during my school years. Aside from the occasional prank with Fred, George, or Lee, I managed to stay out of trouble for the most part. The walls were lined with portraits of previous headmasters, all watching me suspiciously. A large stone structure sat in the corner, a basin of swirling silver liquid in front of it. The fire raged green once again as Bill stepped in right behind me.

"Let's see if we can find Tonks or Lupin." He reached up to flick a piece of ash off the shoulder of my dragon skin coat.

I nodded in response, following him down the stairwell and into the halls. To my surprise they were already empty. Students must be in the Great Hall for dinner. The sun had only just begun to set, illuminating the halls with an orange glow. Everything seemed peaceful here, not a painting out of place. I wasn't sure if things just seemed less disturbed without students like Fred and George, or if this was just how school has been since we've been gearing up for a second war. Bill and I kept quiet as we walked determinately, making our way towards the courtyard where we would surely find Tonks and Lupin.

"Bill, Leah!" I whipped my head around to where I had heard my name.

Ginny came jogging up to us with Ron and Hermione by her side. "What are you two doing here?" She gave us each a warm hug.

"Dumbledore's asked us to help patrol tonight." Bill answered, looking around for even more students. It wouldn't be worth sticking around and having to explain our presence to anyone else.

"So it's true then." She frowned.

"What is?" I furrowed my brows.

"Harry told us he thought Death Eaters might be penetrating the castle. He told us to gather up any Dumbledore's Army members...and be prepared for whatever might happen." Ron answered.

"Well then you know more than we do." Bill muttered. "But you lot stay in your common rooms. Don't do anything stupid. Okay? We can handle things."

The three of them hesitated, exchanging a look before slowly nodding. Surely it was a lie, but Bill and I walked a little faster to where we would find other members of the Order.

The two were standing out in the courtyard, talking to each other in hushed voices. Tonks looked up with a slight smile when she noticed us coming. "We were just talking about where would be most useful to patrol."

"I'm sure you've heard why you're here." Lupin continued. "We're not sure where or how they could possibly get in but if Leah and Tonks want to walk along the castle walls, Bill and I can patrol the corridors inside. McGonagall and Flitwick will be guarding secret passageways."

"It's going to be best if we stick to teams of two." Tonks explained.

Bill and I didn't argue, and in a minute Tonks and I were climbing out onto one of the many walkways along the top of the castle walls. I peered over the edge, the long stone wall cascading down to the hard ground of the courtyard below. I never imagined myself to be guarding the place I had been playing pranks in only a year earlier.

"Not scared of heights are ya?" Tonks grinned, her eyes tracing along the outskirts of the castle grounds.

"No, not really. Just never been up here is all." I shrugged. The Forbidden Forest was dark, not even a glimpse of the creatures within. I couldn't help but wonder if that was because a swarm of Death Eaters had scared them off, planning to emerge from the woods any minute now. It was torture not knowing their plan. My gaze flickered to the sky around us. Maybe they would be flying here somehow. We had flown away from Hogwarts on those Thestrals. Who's to say they couldn't come in that way?

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