92 - Parenthood

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The sun peered through the window in our kitchen, the usual commotion of the house briefly distracting me from the dishes I was putting away and causing one of the plates to fall onto the countertop. I cursed under my breath when it shattered into several pieces. The last three years of our lives have been filled with just that—commotion.

As if she could read my mind, the back door burst open and in tore the reason for the tumult. Her curly red hair bounced around her as giggles escaped her lips. On any normal day I would find that adorable—until the reason for her laughter came following right after. The loud clucking of several of our hens and a scattering of feathers filled the kitchen. "Emelyn!" I gasped, rushing after her into the sitting room.

To add to the chaos, the green flames rose from the hearth of our fireplace. My husband stepped out a moment later, his eyes wide and a smile quirking on his lips when he took in the scene around him. Loose feathers spun across the floor. A few of the chickens were sprawled across our couches and chairs while some scratched at the already worn hardwood floors.

"Daddy!" Emelyn rushed forward, instantly jumping into her father's arms.

"Hi there, darling." He laughed, twirling her around slightly. "Are you giving poor Mummy a hard time today?"

"Every day." I rolled my eyes but gratefully accepted the kiss he offered after he had set her back down.

"Em, love." He crouched down so he was at her level. By the way he pursed his lips I could tell he was making an attempt to be stern. "You need to keep the hens outside where they belong."

"Ginger likes it better inside." She pointed to the red hen that was currently settling on the round wool pillow Mrs. Weasley had spent days teaching me to knit.

He rose his brows nodding from the chickens to the back door. With a jut of her lower lip, Emelyn reluctantly began to shoo the birds back where they belong. I let out the deep breath I felt like I had been holding in the last two days. George loosened the tie around his neck, his eyes following me as I used my wand to clean up the mess in our house. Like all messes, it seemed to have appeared in a matter of minutes.

My straightening of the now slightly feathery pillows was interrupted by a pair of hands gripping my hips. The touch already had me melting beneath it. "Merlin, I think I've been tired for the last three years." I sighed, standing straight once again.

George pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, teasingly nipping at the skin there. He laughed when I lightly pushed him away. "I know, you deserve a break, love. How about tonight?"

"What do you suggest? Tying Em up out back like a dog?" I laughed lightly, leaning back against his chest. "I mean I can't say I haven't thought about it—"

"No." George threw his head back in his own laugh. "You forget we've got an array of babysitters at our arsenal. We'll drop her off at the Burrow tonight." He squeezed my hips once again. "I've already set it up so you can't say no."

"Oh my Godric. I love you." I groaned appreciatively, turning to face him and running my hands up his chest. "We can sleep uninterrupted for the next twelve hours."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, my dear, but I have actual plans for us tonight." He waggled his eyebrows. "Now go take your time getting ready. I'll try to wrangle the little tyke so we can take her over to Mum." I pulled him down to me once more, pressing my lips to his in a long, slow kiss. As I turned to head up the stairs, he reached a hand out to teasingly swat at my bum.

When I made it up to our room I took the opportunity for a long shower—for the first time in weeks it was an uninterrupted shower. While I normally appreciate George's interruptions, they're often followed by a jiggle of our bathroom handle and Emelyn's loud, "Mummy! Daddy!" I tipped my head back, letting the hot water run down my hair and rinse the last bits of conditioner out.

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