25 - Promises

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Cedric led me over to a mostly empty table, only a few Ravenclaw girls sat at the other side. "I'll go get us some drinks." I offered him a smile before he turned towards the refreshments table. The party had dwindled down quite a bit. Only seven or eight couples remained on the dance floor. My guess is most of them had snuck off to find a secluded place.

That's why I was a little relieved to see George and Katie still in the public eye. She was staring up at him dreamily, her hand resting against his chest. It's puke worthy. I couldn't tear my eyes away, imagining myself in her spot. I felt a stab of jealousy twist in my guts.

I can't watch this anymore. I stood and quickly left the hall, my vision already blurring with tears. Well, I almost made it through the whole night. When I burst through the doors I heard the sound of another girl's quiet sobs. Hermione was sat on the stairs rubbing her bare feet. Her once perfect makeup was now smudged, her date no where to be seen.

"Hermione? What's wrong?" I softened as I sunk down beside her.

"Ron's ruined the whole night." She furiously wiped away some tears. "What's wrong with you?" Her brows knit together as she took in my equally tear streaked cheeks. She rubbed my back and I finally let the tears spill over. Holding it in all night did not fair well for me. I'm so thankful I had went with the waterproof mascara. I think I knew I would end up crying tonight, though I hoped it would be in the comfort of my own dorm while everyone else enjoyed their own after party.

"What happened, Leah?" She spoke softly.

"I-I think I love him." I sobbed, hiding my face with a few loose strands of hair that had fallen forward. I felt a wave of relief at finally admitting my feelings to myself, but it was quickly snuffed out by my own reminder that those feelings weren't returned.

"Well that's nothing to cry about!" Hermione continued to rub my back, using her free hand to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "You should just tell Cedric how you feel. I'm sure he feels the same way."

"No...you don't get it." I shook my head, staring down at the heels that are pinching the crap out of my feet. "It's...George. And I thought he felt the same way—but it's not me that he's here with."

We sat in silence for a minute, Hermione clearly slightly shocked from the news. Her arm wrapped around me as her head rested against my own. "Weasley boys. They're idiots." She mumbled. We sat for a minute and just cried together. Oddly, I felt a strange bit of comfort having someone else to sympathize with.

Of course, the last person I wanted to see walked through the doors of the Great Hall next. Angelina and Katie were giggling to each other as they walked right by us, the twin boys trailing behind. They're probably going to find somewhere to snog where they won't get caught by Snape. Even the thought of her kissing him is enough to make me sick to my stomach.

"Leah? Hermione?" Fred noticed us first, concern flooding his features. Hermione placed a gentle reassuring hand on my shoulder before standing and leaving me there with the two boys.

"What happened?" George looked confused until his eyes fell on Cedric. The poor guy had just came back at the worst time. He looked equally as confused at my state as he held two cups in his hands. "What did you do?" George charged forward and slammed Cedric back against the stone wall, fisting his dress shirt in both hands.

"What did I do? Think about what you did, you prat." Cedric spat. That's probably the loudest I've ever heard him vocalize, anger instantly clouding his face. For a moment I worried the two would need to be pulled off of each other until George softened and released him, muttering an apology.

He turned to me before slowly sinking down onto the stair next to me. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" His eyes silently pleaded with me.

"What is going on?" Fred exclaimed, looking back and forth between George and I.

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