86 - Charing Cross

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I poured some water onto the plants that sat by the large window near our kitchen, carefully turning my newest one away from the sun. Much like the rest of us, they have been thriving with all of this sunlight lately. Today was a rather uneventful day at the shop. It was nice to be able to relax for most of the day, especially considering it gave me a moment to give my dad a ring. I hadn't spoken to him in a few days but in my defense there has been a lot to handle with the release of Fred and George's newest product.

I flicked my wand towards the now dry dishes, watching as they lifted into the air and stacked themselves into the cupboard. I wiped my hands on my leggings, tugging down the hem of my Guns N' Roses t-shirt. Fred had found it at the secondhand shop down the street, conveniently after I had been complaining all day about not having any shirts that fit me.

The clock on the mantle in the sitting room let me know that the shop should be closing any minute now—plus the noise had died down significantly. I stepped down the stairs to where Melanie and Verity were working on cleaning up by the fireworks display, something that had unfortunately become a daily task. Distracting them, however, was Lee. He was leaning against the wall on one hand, a cocky grin on his face.

"Lee, leave the poor girls alone." I shook my head but couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Hadleigh!" He grinned, opening his arms for a hug. "I finished up my meeting with the boss men and I was just on my way up to see you."

"Yeah, I see how that went." I rolled my eyes, accepting a hug from my friend. "Are the boys downstairs?"

"Yeah, with the Chosen One." Melanie added with an excited squeal.

"Harry's here?" I furrowed my brows.

"Mhm." She grinned. "And you didn't tell me that all of the Weasley men were that fine."

"Did everyone stop by for a visit?" I shook my head.

"Just Ron." Lee laughed. "But this girl clearly has a type...and unfortunately that type is not me."

I nodded along with him. Thankfully she'd gotten the hint about George pretty quickly, but I still don't fully trust her. All I know is that she might keel over and die if she ever meets Bill or Charlie—though I can't really blame her.

I made my way down the second set of stairs, and sure enough standing in front of Fred and George were the two newest Aurors-in-training. "Look who finally stopped by for a visit." I teased. "What do the two of you need?"

"What's so wrong with wanting to see my brothers and my sister-in-law?" Ron scoffed, a slight smile on his face. "And maybe get a little something to eat for dinner."

"Ah, so you want to mooch off us now that we're all successful, eh?" George jested, wrapping an arm around my waist in the process. He pressed a quick kiss to the top of my head.

"Well we're not feeding you, little brother. No matter how good you're doing at the Ministry." Fred added. "Except for you of course, Harry. We're very proud of you, you know."

Ron's disgruntled protests were cut off by Lee running down the steps behind us. "Did I hear that we were hitting the pub? I'm starving." Trailing behind him were our two employees, both carrying a bucket of cleaning supplies. "You know either of you ladies is welcome to join us as my date." Lee turned to them, flashing a wink.

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