11 - The Map

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Alicia and I walked eagerly through the halls towards the courtyard. Today Halloween, and thus was our first Hogsmeade visit of the year. Perfect timing too because my sweets stash was just about to run out.

After my unnerving experience with Pucey, he's thankfully left me alone. Either he thinks that dog will show back up or he's embarrassed about how he ran screaming like a little girl.

When we stepped through the doors and into the brisk air, I waved goodbye to my roommate and we both split off to our friends. She joined Angelina and Katie while I found the twins in the crowd — which wasn't difficult considering how they tower over everyone. I was just in time to catch the end of McGonagall's typical Hogsmeade speech for the Gryffindor House.

"These visits to Hogsmeade Village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way..." She made a point to send a warning glare to the two boys stood behind me before continuing. "...that privilege shall not be extended again."

I looked back at the two with a playfully strict look. I sort of hope there's at least a little bit of mayhem. With the worry of Sirius Black and all of these Dementors hanging around Hogwarts, I would love these next few hours to let loose. After McGonagall finished up her speech, we turned and began walking down the hill towards the village.

"Where are we headed first?" I bounced ahead to keep up with the long legged boys.

"Is that even a question, Hadleigh?" Fred gently knocked his shoulder into me. "We're obviously going to Honeydukes first, then Zonko's for a restock, and then making our way over to The Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer."

"My mistake." I shook my head. We had a similar routine all of last year too, only adding Zonko's into the mix when the boys had a bit of extra spending money. After our short walk we entered the village along with the other students. Of course most of them were heading to the same places we were but I don't mind a crowd.

When we made it into Honeydukes, I followed George over to the chocolates as Fred went to the candy. George grabbed two chocolate wands, one for himself and one for Fred. The two have always done that for each other. It had become a big of a regimen for Honeydukes visits.

I grabbed an assortment of chocolates to stash in my own room. I was sure to grab an extra chocolate frog for Harry. The poor boy isn't allowed to come with us to Hogsmeade as he didn't have a guardian to sign his form. I feel like that rule shouldn't apply to those without parents but it's probably best that he stays in the castle anyways with Sirius Black on the loose.

After I had spent probably too much money on sweets, I followed the two boys as the eagerly walked across the street to their favorite store. They could easily spend an hour gawking at the new products available. Fred and George had bought an assortment of products, and it worried me that they seemed to keep a few of them hidden from my view.

"I'm not sure about the two of you but I would love that butterbeer right about now." Fred hummed as we stepped back onto the cobblestone street, each of us carrying a few bags with our purchases.

We got a seat at one of the wooden tables towards the back of the Three Broomsticks. I was instantly content to be in the warm pub. The familiar smell of roasted meat and warm butterbeer filled the air. "Three butterbeers?" I pointed at the two boys before turning to head towards the counter to order our beverages.

I waited patiently, watching as people filtered in and out. After a few minutes, the bar maid handed me the drinks with a grin. I thanked her and paid before walking back towards the table. But apparently in the time it took me to get us drinks, two girls had slid into the seats next to each of the twins.

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