74 - Harry's Return

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The sun was just beginning to crest behind the Forbidden Forest, the once black night sky slowly transitioning to a light gray. There would only be a couple hours before we would be expected to fight once again. The idea that the battle wasn't even finished was dreadful. After getting this close to losing one of the people I love the most, I couldn't imagine going through it all over again. George was meeting with other members of the Order of the Phoenix, attempting to regroup and establish some sort of plan.

I've spent my time clung to Fred's side, helping Madam Pomfrey with any of his medical care. I at least owed him that. The murmurs of the Great Hall were drowned out by Madam Pomfrey's voice. She talked as she worked, carefully tipping Skele-Gro into Fred's open mouth. After a moment she moved on to attend to the other injured, leaving the rest of his care to me.

"You know you don't have to do all of this." He offered me a weak smile as I changed one of the bandages on his bicep. I took my time, opting to use my hands as opposed to the bandaging charm. On the few occasions I had it used on me, I found it quick but a little too rough.

"I thought you were dead." I took a shaky breath and blinked away tears the best I could, securing the end of the bandage. "And it would've been my fault."

His hands reached out, careful to not make any sharp movements, and pulled mine from my lap. "Leah." He squeezed my hand lightly. "You would've done the same thing for me...we both know that. You're my best friend. But aside from that...you could be carrying my niece or nephew."

I nodded, my lip trembling slightly as a tear fell down my cheek. "I can never thank you enough, Freddie. I don't know what I would've done without you."

"Have you told him?" He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. He really needs to rest soon. The blood loss and the concussion have him drifting in and out of consciousness.

"No." I breathed out. "I need to make sure it's real. Bellatrix could've just said that to distract me long enough so she could kill me."

"There's no time like the present." Fred weakly smiled up at me. "You know if I could I'd come with you...but Leah you know what you need to do."

"I know." I sighed, gratefully squeezing his hand in return before gently letting it fall back by his side. "I'll go do that if you get some rest."

"Deal." He exhaled, letting his eyes flutter shut. He shifted on the stretcher he was still lying on, wincing in pain as he made attempts to get comfortable. He finally stilled, his face relaxing as he leaned back into his pillow.

I knew he was right. I needed to find out the truth, but a larger part of me is scared. This moment could change my whole life...and George's. We're both so young. With all of our time spent at home, of course we fantasized about starting our lives together when this war was over. I'm just not sure if this is how soon he meant.

Madam Pomfrey was on the opposite end of the hall, working on bandaging up a first year. I hadn't allowed myself to look around at the extent of the damage, I had been too focused on Fred. I shakily stood, making my way past stretcher after stretcher of bodies. I knew there had been a lot of casualties but nothing could prepare me to actually see them all. So many young lives gone before they even got the chance to live. I clasped my hand over my mouth to muffle my sob when I looked down at the two bodies at my feet. Tonks and Lupin had been killed during the fight. My thoughts instantly went to the baby boy left at home with Andromeda. The two newlyweds had been so overjoyed to be parents, the smile on Lupin's face as he told me about his son was permanently stamped in my mind—though I would prefer to have that memory haunt me than this one. Even in death the two reached out for each other. I knew that there would be blood shed but I never allowed myself think of the possibility of it being my loved ones.

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